View Full Version : Stomach Issues

29-06-16, 15:10
Hi im Dave age 36 in good shape and i train 5 times a week. Had about 18 anxiety symptoms over the last three years. I was doing great and then a few weeks ago i saw a post about pancreatic c****r on facebook. I started checking where my eyes yellow and then became obsessed with my stool colour which i realised was fine and then became obsessed with stool shape and consistancy. Anyway after dinner on friday night i started getting stomach gurgling and I have had it ever since.

Good points are my bowel movements are totally normal twice a day regular as normal and no constipation or diarrhoea. No pain. Now from looking up google gurgling doesnt seem to be anything serious except that it may be because of a partial blockage but i would imagine this would come with alot of pain and the noises are from random places in my stomach, I would imagine the noise would come from where the blockage is. My stomach has been feeling a little burny sometimes so rational thinking is that this is acid reflux but can acid reflux cause stomach gurgling. Im starting to freak out about this because anxiety has never affected my stomach before. Advice required pleased. At least I have my own office in work so other people cant hear me.it is definitely worse after my evening meal

30-06-16, 08:27

30-06-16, 09:02
Maybe the stomach gurgling is just normal stomach gurgling. The worse thing to do is to start looking up illnesses as you will think you have them!
Your stomach makes noises when it's digesting and maybe you're noticing it more now or your worry is making you anxiety which also affects your stomach.
If you have symptoms get them checked out but if you've developed symptoms after reading about them it's probably just anxiety making you think you're ill. Been there myself. Stop goggling stuff and know that the mind is a powerful thing and can convince you you're ill when you're not.

I'm not a doctor or have any medical knowlege I'm just going on the assumption that this could be normal

30-06-16, 16:35
My stomach has been acting up too. I have moments where it makes tons of sounds from gurgling to growling. And when it does it I feel like my stomach is kinda upset or uneasy. Also noticing my stools have gas bubbles in them. Idk if not eating enough can cause more gas in your stomach or not. But I feel like my problem is from gas inside my stomach. Which I have heard it can make more noises. I just wanna feel normal again. I was doing good but now my stomach been acting up. I was worried about my heart but now my stomach is making me worry.

30-06-16, 16:43
I've had anxiety related stomach problems almost my whole life. It's called IBS and nearly always triggered by anxiety. Sometimes it's due to foods I eat or a tummy bug but the more I worry the worse it gets and the longer it continues.
IBS isn't just about bowel movements, it's trapped gas, spasms in the colon, rumbling stomach and lots of pain anywhere from the chest right down to the groin area.
It's hard to believe that anxiety can do this but if you do some research you'll find explanations.
But basically, the more you focus on and stress about it, the longer it lasts.
You probably have some gas which is causing the rumblings. You can buy something from the pharmacy for this or try drinking peppermint tea.

30-06-16, 17:23
Mine too I put it down to re-flux or mild food poisoning or something but now constantly gurgles, this weird flush in the left side of my rib then usually followed by terrible diarrhoea. I wasn't sure if it was just stress and anxiety with it was making it worse but eventually went to GP and said he think its IBS and awaiting specialist due to family history with stomach issues.

Point is though as Anjunatom mentions it can take over your life try and phase it out as soon as possible with mines.

Im now at the point where i dont know what is caused by anxiety and what is actual medical issues if that makes sense?

30-06-16, 17:33
Hi mate,

If this is a recent thing then I have some advice. Please, please please do not like it spiral out of control. I think many of us here have been in your position but instead of nipping the issues in the bud at the start, we ruminated, googled, seeked reassurance, and made things worse.

Accept the symptoms for what they are, a bit of reflux, which I have every single day because I'm so stressed about my health.

Knock it on the head now, because HA has a habit of taking over your life.

I couldn't agree more with you Anjunatom - looking symptoms up, googling, researching illnesses is absolutely the WORST thing you can do. That's what started my anxiety off initially I believe. I'd had pains in my abdomen for a few days and a bout of diarrohea. Foolishly I decided to google my symptoms (there is a symptom checker where you put in you various symptoms and it comes up with a "diagnosis") If only I had stopped before hitting the enter key I don't think I'd be on this forum now and my life would be as it had always been - normal with no anxiety or worrisome thoughts. Anyway it came up with ovarian cancer or bowel cancer and I can actually remember the cold feeling that came over me within seconds of reading that and it started a whole avalanche of issues from which I am still trying to recover.

Please, please, please, DO NOT Google your symptoms unless you want a life of torment and misery. Just read some of the posts on the HA boards and you will see what I mean.

30-06-16, 20:19
Thanks everyone my wife just mentioned to me that last Thursday I started having weetabix for breakfast every morning and a banana each day and told me an increase in fibre can cause excess gas. On a plus note and disgusting note my stools have been completely perfect over the last few days snake like and smooth as described on the Bristol scale.