View Full Version : Constantly dizzy (drunk type feeling)

29-06-16, 15:31
So I always worry about neuro disorders and for that fortnight or so I have been constantly dizzy. I feel sorta drunk / off balance, but I haven't really fallen over or had to hold the walls for support or anything. I had a similar feeling before but I had just started taking my meds then so I assumed it was a reaction to that. I guess I just want to know if anyone has had similar feelings as I feel pretty alone with this.

29-06-16, 17:37
Are you overbreathing or breathing very shallowly as this can cause the feeling you are describing as can tensing your neck muscles as well.

29-06-16, 18:45
I'm like this alot too. It's not like a spinning dizzy, more like my head is floating.

30-06-16, 15:21
I could be taking shallow breaths, I think I'm a poor breather at best so its hard to tell. And netminder, I think you're describing exactly the same thing, it's almost like I'm a bobblehead haha.

30-06-16, 15:28
Exactly the same guys, put a post up about it had anxiety for years but never felt constantly dizzy and almost like I'm drunk/on a boat.

I have a really tight neck as well so much so I have booked into a chiropractor over the weekend to have a look at it. Thought it may be the problem behind the dizziness.

I also think it could be to do with breathing i think i almost hold my breath and take very shallow in breaths, although its never really bothered me before now?

Do any of you get tingles/numbness and or pins and needles randomly?

05-07-16, 00:49
I have been feeling spacey and like this as well. I'm worried that I have some sort of brain tumor causing me to feel like this. I am not sure if it is my anxiety or what. My sinus was inflammed and started taking Claritin and Flonase for the pressure in my nose and eye and head but idk how to help this feeling. My anxiety is so bad thinking its a tumor. I don't know what to do. And my left arm will randomly feel like I need to stretch it but stretching doesn't help.

05-07-16, 03:49
Yep, I have this a lot and I'm also having issues with very tense neck and shoulders. I feel like a bobblehead too!

I also get lots of pins and needle type feelings. I've been told it's anxiety and doing my best to ignore it which is sometimes easier said than done!

05-07-16, 13:00
I'm a bobblehead too lol
:winks: x

05-07-16, 13:05
The Bobblehead Gang! :wacko:

06-07-16, 14:39
I have this feeling exactly, accompanied by occasional what feels like shortness of breath and tightness in upper abdomen. I've been to docs and she said it was inner ear fluid blocking the Eustachian tubes based on the fact I couldn't pop my ears when holding nose and swallowing - I've been told to inhale steam and given a nasal spray to keep sinuses clear.

I have had this off balance floaty feeling before after flying or following a cruise but the last time I flew was the beginning of May so that seems too long ago.

My dizziness and breathing only started about 5 weeks ago, kicked off by a bad hangover that never seemed to pass and now the symptoms are at their worse the day after I have drunk alcohol.

I get the pins and needles in face and hands when my breathing is at its worst.

What scares me is how many causes there really are for feeling off balance and out if it and for shortness of breath, worrying I might have anything from liver disease to cardiomyopathy to parkinsons but trying to rationalise the doc must have seen something in my ears to make her opt for this explanation.

Going to give it another week and see how things go. Have a day out planned on Sat and terrified I wont get through the day, all my symptoms are worse when I'm out a long way from home which does seems consistent with panic, perhaps at the dizziness or maybe not, but I do tend to worry now when out that something is going to happen and then it seems to, and once it does I can't seem to reverse it, no matter how much I rationalise or try breathing techniques.....

Really need this dizziness to go soon! I'm even fretting I won't make my holiday to Thailand/Hong Kong in Oct as not sure how I could do the long plane journeys feeling like this!!