View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Node under ear/jaw

29-06-16, 17:08
Hello every one! I had 3 Ear piercings done in 1 go, I then noticed a week after that I have a swollen little lump under my ear on my jawline I did what I do best panicked and looked on good old dr.google, I was worried sick I just went to the doctors and I swear I was in therefor not even 1 minute she pressed around said its swollen lymph node and should go down in a month and it's likely to be my body reacting to the foreign objects (the studs!) in my ears! I was that quick my mum doesn't believe I even went in because I was so worried and dint want to go she thinks I am lying because it was that quick! The problem is now I am worried again thinking she didn't thoroughly check :(

Gary A
29-06-16, 17:22
It was so quick because a lymph node reacting like that to a foreign object is very very common. Your doctor is right, it's just your body doing what it should be. If it's not gone in a month then go back, but I'm almost 100% certain it will be.

29-06-16, 19:41
Thank you Gary I am being stupid