View Full Version : swollen gum, anixety?

29-06-16, 18:45
with my anxiety i know that my "go to" symptom is dry mouth; when im anxious or worried i get it, when im relaxed my mouth gets moist. But for the last couple of days ive had a swollen gum around one tooth. Its not painful, its just uncomfortable and when i brush my teeth i bleed in that area. I know its not a such serious symptom, but with anxiety everything becomes exagerated and i make up some horrible thoughts in my mind. I wont google because that is what started my anxiety in the first place.
I wanted to have some feedback if any of you have experienced this before, and if its also probably linked to anxiety.

29-06-16, 19:16
Sounds like just a simple gum infection, especially if you see blood when brushing. I would use one of the mouthwashes for bleeding gums and that should help.