View Full Version : Invisible lump in cheek I can only feel with tongue

29-06-16, 18:45
I can maybe feel it with my finger but not as good as with my tongue. It's located on the left side of my cheek, maybe more back near the molars. I've tried looking in my mouth over the last few days and I can't see anything. So either it's the same color as the rest of my mouth or I'm not sure.

I haven't had this kind of bump in my mouth before so I'm a bit worried. It definitely isn't like the sores I've had in the past. Those were painful and I could see very well. It is because this one is so different that it is worrying me. No pain (which actually worries me more for some reason) and can't see it.

29-06-16, 19:13
Put your thumb inside your cheek and your first finger outside on your cheek and see if you can feel it that way.

29-06-16, 19:17
I did it with thumb outside cheek and finger inside and I think I can. Though I also felt like there was a mass or something shifting around in my cheek.

29-06-16, 19:28
I first noticed this about 35 years ago with my cheeks and remember clearly been terrified it was cancer! I still have some of the lumps I felt all that time ago.
Basically if it gets much bigger very fast then yes it needs a Dr attention but sometimes we are just lumpy and its nothing at all.

29-06-16, 21:28
Well if you've had it for 35 years I can assure you the chance of it being cancer is virtually zero

29-06-16, 22:19
Exactly:) I was hoping to reassure.

30-06-16, 02:22
Yeah, it definitely hasn't been that long for me. Just the first time I've had a bump like this. If it is even a bump. Not sure how to describe it really since I can't see it

02-07-16, 18:22
Mojo, since I think I can feel it with my fingers, have you had that same experience? It is still definitely there even though it's been over a week now. Doesn't seem to be going away

02-07-16, 18:28
I was a dental nurse for 13 years. The chances are it is a harmless fatty lump or cyst.

05-07-16, 04:42
Thanks, I sure hope that's the case. This is just the first bump that hasn't left after two weeks or anything like that so anything new and different is always scary, especially when I'm not entirely sure what it is