View Full Version : Feeling weird for a few seconds

29-06-16, 18:51
Has anyone else felt like this? I've feeling ok sometimes then out of the blue I feel really weird and detached and a bit lightheaded. It lasts for about 10 seconds then afterwards I'm left feeling drained and scared it will happen again. Felt like this before I started Citalopram so it can't be the tablets. I'm really scared there is something wrong with my heart :-(

29-06-16, 18:57
You know there's nothing wrong with your heart, your ecg was fine :)
The light head & dizziness are a normal sign of anxiety, and to be expected if you also have a racing heart at the time. I used to have to clutch at furniture when it happened to me.
Try to stop worrying that everything is 'something' xx

29-06-16, 19:18
Thank you, it's so hard when your mind is telling you there is something wrong and with all the physical symptoms I get it just fuels my anxiety. Thanks again x

29-06-16, 19:21
Sunflower7, it's the anxiety, not your meds. I get it all the time.
Very scary, even though seconds and puts your body on alert. x

29-06-16, 19:31
Thankyou, its awful especially when I'm with other people and have to pretend to be ok. I get scared its my heart or a seizure. I also keep getting a panicky feeling like I'm not getting a full breath sometimes when I breathe in. Finding it tough at the moment. Thanks for your help x

29-06-16, 20:45
Yes I get that, its horrible.

30-06-16, 12:55
Thank you, yes it's awful x

01-07-16, 00:47
I've had a feeling like I'm off balance at times xx

01-07-16, 06:56
Thank you also, it's scary x

01-07-16, 07:26
Yes I get this too. Sometimes sudden and brief and sometimes for hours/days on end. It's like living on a boat!

01-07-16, 14:47
It's the detached feeling that really scares me, I keep thinking it's my heart stopping :-(