View Full Version : Lump Question

29-06-16, 18:53
Hello, I'm new to the Forum and had a question about a lump I have in my chest. I was wondering If anyone knew anything about these or has something similar to it. it has me a little anxious and I don't want to google it lol. I've made that mistake before. I'm praying it's nothing but I'm hoping someone can help put my mind at ease. I have an appointment in a couple pf days but I thought I would ask the forum here also.

I'm 27 and noticed about 3 weeks ago (Or even a couple weeks before) this knot on my chest underneath the clavicle bone. Its round oval shaped, smooth, painless, and extremely movable. I can actually move it over the collar bone. It was actually hard to measure it because it kicks away so easily. But its about .5 a cm on the ruler and has stayed that size since I found it.(3 weeks) Its hard saying how long its been there because its well hidden and can only be found if i pull my shoulders back. It sits in that groove between the shoulder and the chest and it feels like a little solid bouncy ball under the skin. I have no other problems or symptoms and there are no other knots around the area (I'm a hypochondriac and check constantly). Does anyone have or heard of something like this? Does it sound harmless? Thank you! :)

29-06-16, 19:32
You have alot of lymph nodes in that area and it could be on of these. That does not mean there is anything wrong with it just that your poking and prodding checking your body has alerted you to it. IF it is a lymph node the more you poke and prod it the more you will irritate it and make it grow so try to not touch it for a few days at least to see if it disappears.

I have little pea sized cysts that are from tendons - I have one on my leg that hides under the bone but I can push it out and move it around my leg, I have another one on my finger that I can push from side to side and another one in the crook of my elbow.

So keep your fingers off it and wait a few days and see if its still there. IF it grows alot despite leaving it alone then yes see your Dr as would be sensible but its most likely due to your body checking.

30-06-16, 03:27
Hi, Thanks a lot for your reply I appreciate it. It's good to hear from people who can relate.