View Full Version : Panic Attack / stroke

29-06-16, 19:48
Hi guys,

I haven't posted in a while but this week I feel like I have take 100 steps back.

So, I had some anxiety over the weekend. I have been working this week and woke up tired but ok. I think carried on getting ready but as I was looking at myself in the mirror my vision starting going all funny and I would be looking at my face but wouldn't be able to see my nose for example. I also had a headache.

Then, I sit in the car to go to work (my friend was driving me) and i get this numb feeling in my hand, which also happens to my face/ top of my lip , both on the left side and my friend thought it was funny to say maybe your having a stroke. This passes within about 10-15 mins. I then go into work and sit at my desk.. and all morning till about 12 I felt really nauseous and actually had to go to the bath room at one point because I thought I was gong to be sick. At this point my heart was beating really fast and I'm pretty sure I was having a panic attack. After that the sickness passed but I just haven't felt right all day. Right now I just feel like I want to cry.

Anyway, having struggled with health and anxiety in the past.. these symptoms really scared me. I basically just need to talk to someone to let me know I'm not going crazy. and to ask the dreaded question... should I be concerned?

HELP xoxoxoxo

30-06-16, 03:56
If it was a stoke you wouldn't be writing that note.anxiety is a bitch. Maybe your muscles were tense and pressed a nerve. Or maybe the way you were sitting in the car. Don't fret and blame it all on anxiety

30-06-16, 07:27
thank you!! that is what I'm thinking, then i made the mistake of googling and it was like these are symptoms of a mini stroke that come and go , get help... but I know I'm young relatively healthy and don't really fit the category of someone that is going to have a stroke. Im just so anxious at the moment :(.