View Full Version : so fed up of cancer fear :(

29-06-16, 20:30
every pain every ache every sensation I always seem to put it down to the possibility of cancer I cant stand it anymore I just want to live without aday of his fear interrupting my day and when I thin I have a new symptom it plagues me day in day out googling feeling the spot to see or feel any changes prodding a pain thinking I must have some sort of cancer :( I cant stand it anymore

29-06-16, 22:21
This is health anxiety. If you haven't already done so then do seek therapy as I know from experience how it dominates your entire life. Now I am in my 50's I can see how much of my life I have wasted worrying about what "might" happen rather than enjoying myself and you don't get a second chance this is it.

29-06-16, 22:48
I'm sorry! :( Health anxiety is awful. I wish I knew what worked.

30-06-16, 07:22
Sounds like a lot like me. I forever prodding and have a big fear of the big c. I am in my early 30s and have wasted four years, however some of it have been sense and have been referred to hospital where needed, and thankfully was just some cysts the last time, the frst time went round the houses and all what came back was a common pouch in 2013

Its hard. I have tried to stop Googling.

01-07-16, 13:18
I know exactly what you are going through I am the same. Please see your GP even though you may be afraid to. I suffer from health anxiety and feel my GP will get fed up with me but you must get help. You may also need some counselling ask about that at the same time. I am feeling very alone and so ,probably, are you. I also feel very stupid. So far I have found my GP very supportive please go and see someone. I wish you all the luck in the world.

01-07-16, 13:29
Agree with Jill. One of the GP who worked at the practice, no longer does he sent me for some CBT a few years ago. The problem with the practice I attend not all the GPs stop there long.

I think every symptom. ache, twinge, mark, extra sweat speck etc is bad and always go automatically for the big c, also worried about my tiredness what real and what i need to worry about.

20-11-16, 00:15
My daughter-in-law has an obsessive fear of cancer as she has lost a few family members to it. She actually was advised to go and see someone about "tapping", you can find it on YouTube, she had three sessions of it and controlled her fears and her panic attacks. Thought some may be interested, it is tapping with your fingers on the acupuncture points on your face. She is really made up with it as she hates tablets