View Full Version : Fear of choking on food.

29-06-16, 20:51
Hi, I'm quite new here, in fact, I just found it by previously reading a thread on this very same issue that I have, but, because that thread was older, I am creating a new one.

While I do have similar issues as the thread that I read, I've been able to eat more solid foods, fried potatoes, beans, green beans, green peas, tomato, pepper, however, despite being able to eat all these foods, the problem arises when I swallow and I have a feeling of something being stuck in my throat, and because of this feeling, I think I'm going to choke, especially when I'll take air and that thing that feels stuck will fly into my trachea and cause me to choke.
So, because of this feeling, or fear, I am afraid to eat food, just a few hours ago, I thought I was going to choke because of that feeling; and the thing is, that I know it is a psychological problem and I am momentarily unable to overcome it, but I really do want to get over it, as it affects my life.

To capture the bigger picture and how this problem probably came to be, it was probably due to when I was younger and was eating a caramel candy and it got stuck in the trachea, however, my mom managed to throw it out of me, then a very few times, I was almost going to choke on gum and the last time, that really got me, was four years ago(2012), when I almost choked on a piece of cucumber, and I managed to get it out by trying to vomit, which, luckily made me able to breath again.

Since this last incident with choking, especially a couple of months later(after the incident), I was eating very little food, solid food, but very little due to the fear of choking again, then after a while, the fear somewhat went away and I was able to eat food regularly and in good doses, however, because of that fear, I was, or more precisely, still doing that thing (don't know the word in english) where you're trying to cough up food, or to make it more picturesque, the thing you do when you're trying to gather saliva and spit it out.

And not so long ago, I had this fear come back, and it's even worse now, altho I do eat solid foods, but I eat in such a small dose, that I'm always hungry.
The fear that I am facing right now, that feeling that I have something stuck in my throat and that when I breath in, especially when I am eating food, that I am going to choke; another fear is that when I swallow, I think it'll go in the trachea and not in the esophagus.

I've visited a ENT specialist that my doctor sent me to, and he said that I've got no problem with swallowing or that I have dysphagia, previously did blood tests and urine and everything was fine, except for a higher leucocyte levels, so no illness.
The ENT prescribed me with antiseptics, a spray and tablets to lick, and a Vitamin B6, and said that my mucosa is inflamed and that is causing me the problem of feeling that something is stuck in my throat. Yet, despite this, I am still afraid to eat like I should.
And on Monday, I am visiting a psychiatrist and I'll try to get back on the track, especially the track to be healthy.

I post here because I really need something to move me forward and throw that fear away from me, even if I'm to visit the psychiatrist on Monday, but for the moment I really need to talk this out and try to get some answer that will help me.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. :)

29-06-16, 21:51
Hi, did you know that you can't breathe and swallow at the same time, the body has a natural ability to stop this which also makes food only go to your stomach. This is why if something makes you breathe in whilst swallowing you start to cough and splutter.

If I were you for the moment I would only eat soft solid foods, like fruits and breads etc, have small mouthfuls and chew before swalowing, take your time over eating and don't rush food. Eat small amounts often rather than larger meals.

Hope your appointment goes ok

29-06-16, 22:08
Hi , sorry to hear you are going through this , the problem you describe is where my anxiety started four years ago it goes back way further but this episode started with a small pork scratching , I was sitting with my granddaughter and I laughed while eating the food got stuck and stopped me breathing I ended up in hospital for the night , over the following weeks I became very obsessed with my mortality and became obsessed with chocking again , this stopped me sleeping and I was put on anti depressants which made me worse , over the last four years it has subsided at times but it has been a very tough time all started by a small piece of food , I do still have a fear of choking and acid reflux had narrowed my throat which makes it worse , if I get a tickle in my throat or just get a little saliva go down the wrong way I get an instant panic , it does pass and I don't get it as bad as I used to but I do like to have a drink to hand when eating , no matter how unusual your reason for being on this site there is always someone who shares that problem , take care .

29-06-16, 22:26
@Chocolateface Yes, I do know that our trachea is closed when swallowing, but the problem arises when feeling of something being stuck at the thyroid gland, or somewhere there, despite only being a feeling it still causes me fear, even tho I know it. :)

@Buster70 Thanks, I wish your fear, just as mine vanishes away. :)

29-06-16, 23:06
Yes fear of something is worse than it is in reality but it doesn't stop the fear. Hope you get respite from this soon