View Full Version : how much we depend on "no panic"

07-10-04, 13:00
Hi people. hope you are all ok.

Im fine and feeling better than i have done in the past 3 months. BUT (their is always a but!) ive have been banned from using the internet at work, i can only go on in my lunch hour.

This has had an effect on me as i came to this site as a bit of security and now i feel like that security has gone, and i cant talk to anyone until dinner time.

So i am still here but obviously cannot visit your site as often as i would like. Feel gutted but my girlfriend has a lap top so i could dial up and use the internet when i get home.

Take care

Paul x

07-10-04, 14:06
hi there paul,

It's a shame that you can't use the site when you're at work. I know what a comfort it is to me in times of panic and anxiety!! Oh well, at least you will be able to use it when you get home!! Take care.

Sarah :D

07-10-04, 14:24
Hi Paul

It really is a shame you will only be able to visit the site during lunchbreaks and after work. I know how much I rely on this site. I really don't know how I would have coped over the last few months without the support here.

I totally understand why you feel part of your security has gone. I hope you are okay.

Take care.


07-10-04, 18:42
Hi Paul,

Glad we helped and that you are much better overall .

If you needed us in a hurry I'm sure you would find a way to log on ..


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

07-10-04, 21:15

I have a similar problem in that our internet usage is monitored and I don't want my site address appearing at the top of the list.

I pop on a couple of times a day just to gloss over the topics but I usually don't reply until the evening.

Sorry you can't get access - do they monitor your usage too?


07-10-04, 23:44
Hi Paul

I cant use the internet at work but just hold on to the thought that when ever you need us we are always here mate.

Love Sal xxxxx

09-10-04, 15:56
Hi, I didn't realise how much I needed this site until this morning! Although I visit here every day, I didn't know how much It's help in times of need. I came here this morning at 5am with panic, wrote down my feelings at the time, cryed a lot, and got comfort by another member who was here! wow how much it helped me . Thanks NMP for being such a great place to come Tara xxxxxxxxx

09-10-04, 18:16

Just think about all the stuff you'll have to discuss by the evening! It's probably actually a beneficial thing as you'll learn to cope on your own during work hours (with a quick pop on at lunch) and still know that the same support will be there in the evenings.

It might be hard at first but you'll be fine.


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

11-10-04, 12:55
Hi people!

Thank you for your replys it reassured me that you were all still there for me!!!!

I have managed ok really and i have now got my girlfriends laptop so no doubt ill be on here in the evenings.

My mum and dad go away on saturday (again!) so, it will be a test for me as dont want the same feelings creeping in like last time.

Take Care


11-10-04, 13:45
Hi Paul

The same feelings wont come back again - you have already proved you can cope without the site during the day (which you didn't think you could) so this is just another thing you can cope with to prove you are on the route to recovery!


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad