View Full Version : Noticing something in the corner of my right eye when I blink rapidly

30-06-16, 09:20
I'm bored of worrying about my vision, my brain just latches onto ANYTHING and everything vision related ready for panic mode.

In the last 3 or 4 weeks I've noticed sometimes that when I blink, something catches my attention in the corner of my right eye. You know that dark type of blotch/circle when you close your eyes and push gently with your finger along your eyeball? That's what I think is catching my attention when I blink when looking right in my right eye.

At first I thought it was just an eyelash or the rim of my glasses, but now it seems to occur when there is a bright light source or wall facing my right eye and if I blink looking between 45-90 degrees to the right. It's most apparent when I blink rapidly and I can make out a small, almost peanut-shaped blotch with a white outline (like the dark blotch I described previously when rubbing your eyes when they're closed).

My brain is telling me I've either: torn my retina, got glaucoma, or got something sinister in my head and/or eyes.

I have no pain associated with it, it's just catching my attention from time to time.

30-06-16, 11:30
Do you realize that what you're talking about are unnatural things a typical person never does? Most people don't sit around, blink real fast and focus on what they see. Most people don't close their eyes, push their eyeball and take note of what they see either. I know I never ever have! (I had to try this to try to understand and ... nothing... so I have no clue what you're talking about).

Again, I believe this comes down to you hyper-focusing and looking for things to feed your dragon.

Positive thoughts

30-06-16, 13:31
Thank you so much Fishmanpa, you have settled me down on more than one occasion here and I owe a great deal of thanks to you. I feel like I'm starting to get my life back from HA.

30-06-16, 15:13
Hey, Yes! I remember doing this like 3 different times. I remember driving home one night and it set me off for that entire night. It's like it's barely there until I would blink. It was a vague blotch but I'm a hypochondriac and overreact to things especially back then. I would think when something even small like that was happening it was the beginning of something bad. But don't worry man I can relate to the same exact thing.

30-06-16, 15:34
Oh wow, thanks for replying AHF! I can't believe there is someone else out there who has experienced this - I (stupidly) Googled and Googled for an answer but I couldn't find a single thing online that described what I was experiencing - in fact I've had a tough time putting it into words myself!

Did you notice it happening a long time ago? (i.e I take it that it didn't progress into anything?)

You've helped put my mind at ease knowing there is another person out there who has went through checking for similar things!

30-06-16, 15:56
Yep it happened a few times too. It seemed strangely different from a normal light spot but it goes away. I think with all of the things people hear and talk about even small things like that will make people with health anxiety expect the worst things imaginable. But don't worry its a normal occurrence that we probably wouldn't even notice it if we weren't constantly on alert lol

30-06-16, 16:19
its a normal occurrence that we probably wouldn't even notice it if we weren't constantly on alert lol

That's my point exactly... most wouldn't even think to do such a self checking behavior or even notice it at all. Many things HA peeps freak about are just normal bodily functions or noise :)

During the big ALS ice bucket challenge thing, I once saw a person in a store standing on one foot and then trying to stand on tippy toes etc... If I didn't know from this site that it was a self checking thing I would of thought it was extremely strange (it still is actually ~lol~)... It was... "Ahhhh, they must have a bit of HA" ;)

Positive thoughts