View Full Version : Switching meds while already anxious - feel awful

30-06-16, 10:51
I'm having a really difficult time with my anxiety at the moment. I've been on citalopram for a few years for anxiety and OCD and unfortunately it recently seems to have lost its effectiveness. I'm currently coming off citalopram to switch over to venlafaxine and my anxiety's gone through the roof. I wake up most mornings feeling awful, then my day feels like it's a rollercoaster of feeling anxious or feeling depressed about how anxious I'm feeling, with maybe a slightly calmer mood coming in in the evening. I just keep overthinking everything and having a general feeling that everything's awful and going to go wrong. It just feels like the anxiety leaps on whatever stresses are already there and makes them so much worse.

I've been referred for therapy by my GP but not heard anything yet, and I'm trying to practice mindfulness but it just feels so hard sometimes. I don't know what to do when I feel like this. I'm still going into work but only because I feel like I'd feel even worse if I was at home.