View Full Version : MS so scared

30-06-16, 11:13
I'm so worried re Ms. I get burnings tingly legs strange skin sensations . Pins and needles in most places. My big toes feel kind of jittery and on edge if that makes sense like I can't bare them touching anything. And want to keep moving them.
I have a patch on my back that is tingly on and off, but now more frequent as well as a patch on the side of my calf. I feel this internal vibration especially when waking up. I have had dizziness on and off for couple of years. I get strange skin sensations all over my body mainly hands,feet, legs and arms. From burning to pins and needles to pain. Sometimes I feel like my limbs and hands Arent going to work properly (they do tho). Like my lims don't belong to me. I wake up with numb fingers a lot. I get pins and needles in my feet and legs most days. I get twitches in my muscles. My speech is bad getting words mixed up etc. I'm a wreck. Gp knows about my HA but said at this point he doesnt think its ms. This freaks me out "at this time". He said we will see if symptoms change at all. He's going to try me on escitrilopam which I'm apprehensive about taking. I have m.e/fibro so that complicates things as some of these symptoms could be down to that. Please help Im Desperate x

30-06-16, 11:51
I've experienced all the things you describe. I've even got Me/Chronic fatigue as well for the past 20 years or so. I was tested for MS a couple of years back and my nerve functions all came back fine.

I often have the tingly prickly feelings all over. I also have had periods where I feel I have trouble getting my words out. And feeling weak like my legs won't work, but like you they always do. By all accounts the tingling is a common anxiety symptom.

Hopefully others can confirm this. It's horrible, isn't it?