View Full Version : Convinced I have Hormone Imbalance, even though tests state otherwise

30-06-16, 13:44
How do I overcome this? It has become an obsession I'm so convinced I have one and it's ruining my life. This past year I have had changes within my body. I know they can be normal but they all happened at once and many websites state that PMS, although harmless isn't 'normal' it is due to an imbalance of some sorts.
My 'symptoms' are, really sore, lumpy boobs before my period, feeling really down, cramping that I never used to get (I did get it just only for one day, now it's up to 3), I'm convinced my legs look bloated, I'm now according to Google pear shaped (my upper legs look quite thick compared to the rest of me, whereas I used to be straight up and down), I've developed lots of spider veins and am noticing more almost daily and new dark circles (well I say new, this all started about a year ago), my periods are lighter than they've ever been, they were like clockwork now they tend to be a couple of days out. (last 3 cycles were 35, 32 and 29 days). I feel severely depressed I can't even think straight anymore. I keep dropping things, forgetting what I'm talking about, muddling up my words etc, my muscles feel stiff off the slightest thing, even writing a shopping list causes my wrist and arm to feel tight, I can't use mouthwash as my jaw hurts too much, I'm so unbelievably stressed and was utterly convinced I was Estrogen Dominant but tests show otherwise. I feel horrible every single second of every single day. My body just doesn't feel like mine anymore and I don't know what to do. I also have adult acne and my hair feels really brittle even at the roots where I don't use heat products. None of my parents suffered from acne, no body in my entire family (both sides) has dark circles under their eyes, I'm the only one to have suffered depression prior to the age of 45 and the only one whose body shape has completely changed, so I don't know where it's all come from, surely not genetics. I feel hideous. Sorry for the rambling never felt so low, I feel like I'm at th bottom of a pit.

30-06-16, 19:09
Anyone experience anything similar? My GP said that mental issues can manifest as physical issues and I completely believe and have also experienced this in rhe past but this is beyond a joke. I feel absolutely horrendous. To top it all off I'm an 'emotional eater' and have an overwhelming urge to binge eat but I'm experiencing body image issues right now so am trying not to eat badly as I could stand to lose 10lbs (in my opinion - those around me say otherwise). 2 days so far I've been good.

30-06-16, 19:35
You don't mention your age KeeKee but could you possibly be peri-menopausal?

30-06-16, 20:50
Hi. Thank you for responding to my post. I am 27 but I've just had a blood test that would have indicated that. Blood test was 'normal'. I feel so helpless

30-06-16, 22:34
PMT can worsen as you age and although you are too young for peri menopause it could just be worsening pmt symptoms. Weight gain also affects your hormones, have you put any weight on in the past year or so?
Stress and anxiety affects your hormones as well, neither of these effects would enough to show drastic changes in any blood tests but could be enough to increase symptoms.

The only 2 other things that are worth asking your Gp is polycystic ovarian syndrome which can be diagnosed with an ultrasound scan although i would expect you to have very erratic periods and facial hair growth.

Adrenal gland dysfunction as you are mentioning dark circles, again I would expect you have dark skin where the skin folds and inside your mouth as well.

I am not in any way thinking you have either of the above but you seem to be stuck and it would do no harm to discuss the above with your GP who can I am sure reassure you.

30-06-16, 23:16
What you describe is akin to saying the sky is yellow when everyone knows it's blue. Scientific medical tests don't lie. Many of the symptoms you're describing are "perceived" and not based in reality. I get it, in your mind they seem that way but again, the "yellow vs blue sky" example.

Now... the physical symptoms you're feeling? I absolutely believe they're real. That being said, I would attribute them to normal body noise, aches and pains but exasperated by your anxiety. It's a viscous circle. You feel an ache, start to worry about it, focus on it and it "seems" worse than it really is. With many sufferers, pain will wane or disappear when distracted and you're not thinking about it.

So... how do you overcome it? That's the million dollar question. Therapy (CBT, one on one) and/or meds help many people. Meditation, mindfulness techniques have shown to be very effective. Physical well being is directly related to mental well being so a healthy diet and exercise does wonders. I know this for a fact as eating right and exercising helped me get out of depression (in addition to therapy and meds).

The bottom line with any of this is the decision comes from you. No words on a screen or the best advice will do a thing unless you act on it. You can do nothing and stay the same or get worse or try and get better. The very worse thing that can happen is you try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Positive thoughts

30-06-16, 23:47
I have had all of your symptoms at one point or another, and still do. I also don't have a hormonal imbalance - I had a history of ovarian cysts and features of polycystic ovaries, plus a uterine polyp, so had a lot of tests before the polyp was removed.

The female body can and does fluctuate and go haywire at times. This can happen even when there is no specific imbalance of any kind.....just shifting hormones, generally being under the weather and STRESS can also cause these things you describe, especially changing menstrual cycles.

PMS does not necessarily mean a definite imbalance. It is common for many women to have what you describe before a period, as hormones are SUPPOSED to fluctuate, and that is what causes the boob pains and lumps, the mood swings, water retention (which may be creating your bloated legs) and the list goes on.

As far as your cycles go, just because you may have been pretty consistent before with them, doesn't mean you can't change. Getting older can do that. The days you mention are also still within what is classed as normal cycle times. Any kind of thing can change them, stress being a primary culprit.

I know it doesn't help much to hear, but my inkling is that many of your symptoms are being driven by worry and stress and depression.

Trust me when I say I share your confusion and worry and can relate. A few years ago, I was having a lot of what I thought were thyroid issues - dry, thin hair, dry skin, weight gain, heavy sweating, bloating, periods all over the place, severe tiredness and lethargy, to name a few. I then developed a lump in my neck, so I was totally sure that my thyroid hormone was off. I had a load of tests and it was TOTALLY normal. No imbalance. The lump on my thyroid was a cyst.....cause unknown.

I just thought I would mention this as sometimes what we think is going on, really isn't, and this has been proven by your blood tests. The aching muscles, the jaw stiffness (that could be due to clenching your jaw when anxious - yep, another thing I have had too!) can all be put down to depression and anxiety.

I would discuss this further with your doc if need be, but I can honestly say from experience that these things can change for you, if focus is put on you mentally, rather than the physical hon. x

01-07-16, 10:32
Thank you all so much for replying. As I've had a little longer to process my results (got them yesterday afternoon) I am feeling a little better. Still annoyed though as I can't face 10 days every single month feeling sore for the rest of my fertile life. It's horrible, not the end of the world of course but I hate it. Just another minor issue that is contributing to my major depression. It probably sounds weird but I was actually kind of hoping for some sort of imbalance as I've read they are common and easy to correct, this could have potentially meant my negative feelings, the fatigue, tiredness etc could have been overcome. Now though, it seems its just more crap I'll need to learn to live with. I wonder if yesterday I was just feeling disappointed as opposed to disbelieving my tests. I also have BDD and the spider veins are really blowing away my confidence (what little I had).
My symptoms are all real though and in my opinion nothing to do with anxiety as I'm seldom anxious these days (other than the school run). I do believe it could be stress though as I'm at the end of my tether constantly. I do have TMD which could cause the stiff jaw, but my arms/wrists have been aching whenever I did anything repetitive for a couple of years now.
I also have premature wrinkles and am finding this all very difficult to cope with. I'm 27 and look rough as anything. I look in the mirror and see a complete stranger staring back at me. I can't help but think something is contributing to my appearance decline. My older relatives are dealing with issues of their own, yet they haven't aged prematurely, they don't have dark circles under their eyes and a couple suffer with Insomnia too. I just don't get it.