View Full Version : I googled again! why? incomplete evac after bm :(

30-06-16, 16:00

this 2 and half months has been an absolute rail road of ups and downs seen two doctors they both said similar stress, anxiety maybe ibs and I have my first cbt on monday can't wait tbh anyway.

I'd say it's got slightly better but it still feels weird I go in the morning and it feels like I'm not getting as much out as i used to like ill have a big urge but only get about 3 bits out, there's more in there I can feel it been twice after so 3 times today and there's still more in there just doing bits at a time I'm concerned this is still something bad :(.

Or am i being paranoid it's just constipation? but i mean come on 2 and a half months the only problem I have is I haven't had one day without thinking about it or panicking so do you think it's just because I'm thinking about it even subconsciously it's not going to go at all?

I just really feel it really is something and it just feels weird as it's a change in bowel habits it's really getting me concerened the only thing at the minute is my sleeping pattern is all over the place not getting up till 12 in the afternoon and sleeping at 12 so yes that's 12 hours! i don't know what effect that has but i do feel like ***** at the minute and I don't drink much throughout the day apart from tea and coffee which probably isn't the best.

I'm just really concerned if i leave it, it will be the death of me, i mean even if it's stress surely it wouldn't be like this for this long?

What could be causing this it's just i can't get it all out :(

Sorry for making so many of these I'm just worrying still as it's nearly been 3 months now

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:26 ----------

I've started blocking certain sites now using a chrome app

30-06-16, 16:39

I don't drink much throughout the day apart from tea and coffee which probably isn't the best.

I think that a lot of your physical discomfort would be helped by drinking more fluids to re-hydrate you and cutting down on the tea and coffee at the same time.

Keep us posted as to how the CBT is going and good luck with it.

30-06-16, 18:50
Oh ok, so you don't think it's anything bad? Because I just keep convincing my self :(

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

In my head all that im thinking is its going to get worse and eventually it'll completely block me off atm it feels as if there's wind trapped in my rectum but I can't get it out :(

01-07-16, 17:10
As an experienced sufferer of anxiety related stomach/bowel issues I can say that everything you've described is perfectly 'normal', as in, anxiety can cause all of that.

You've seen the doctors and you need to trust them. CBT has proved to be effective so stick with it. And yes drink lots more water, at least 2 litres a day!

01-07-16, 18:33
I can go from 'pebbles' to 'waterfall' (sorry for minging description) within a day due to my moods. I also have had that incomplete feeling. My tummy is one of the most affected parts of my body physically when I'm down/anxious etc. I have had 2 big changes in bowel habits this past 18 months and I've actually stopped worrying about it Because it's so common. I've been where you are and know how hard it is but honestly, IBS is very, very common with anxiety and stress etc. The only advice I can give on health anxiety due to my experience is that time really is a healer. 3 years ago I was ill with health anxiety and had a big blip back in December. But now even when I have a worry I wait and see if it's still there in a few weeks and if so book an appointment but I don't go overboard and most importantly I no longer Google scary things. It is your worst enemy and it will keep you in the grips of health anxiety.