View Full Version : Annoying Globus

30-06-16, 16:17
Hi all

So through my journey so far for the last leading into 7 months it is apparent I suffer with Globus due to my anxiety and fear of illnesses, I know now after the scope down my throat and the gastroscopy that it is not cancer....

Does anyone here that suffers with Globus have the following same symptoms and if so how did you calm them or stop them....

~ Dry throat
~ Tight feeling in throat where voicebox is
~ Swallowing that feels like I am swallowing a piece of leather all the time

Any advice would be helpful..

03-07-16, 02:21
I get the sensation like yours a lot and dry, scratchy throat, tickly cough and sensation of a lump in my throat (feels like cotton stuck today). Usually my meds keep the sensation at bay but tonight it isn't due to forgetting my dose so I'm constantly thinking about it xx

03-07-16, 20:22
I've had the throat thing for over a year now, (I damaged it to start with my have awful morning sickness and reflux).
Mostly it feels like I have a scratch in my throat, sometimes I get it and sometimes I don't. I'm on omeprazole but need to sort my diet out, did they advise you on things to avoid to you don't have flare ups?

04-07-16, 09:24
Mine just feels like something stuck on the side of my throat its so bloody annoying!!!

I have been advised not to take any PPI's as there is no signs of reflux from all the scopes...so I am really lost.....

I have calmed my anxiety down but its still nagging me ALL DAY - EVERY DAY!

04-07-16, 21:00
That is pretty much what mine is like, always in same place (left side of throat) it makes me anxiety so bad 😔

04-07-16, 22:24
Yup mine is right sided, feels like i cant breathe at times and also when i swallow saliva the right side where i feel the sewn on feeling its like a scratch when i swallow, it surely cant be globus this!!

Breathing in is like ive sucked a mint and the cold air is hotting my voicebox and also shooting up the right side of my throat where the discomfort is!

But i have to keep telling myself ive had xray and scopes and surely that would have shown something but it feels like a nerve or something hurting and giving me that constricted feeling, I want to rip my throat out sometimes!

Chewing gum helps though strangely enough!

Do I go back to see the GP that thinks im crazy! Whether its my windpipe or something i really do not know, my wits end now!

05-07-16, 06:43
How long has it been going on for you? Mines been on and off for well over a year, every now and then the anxiety of it builds up and I end up going to ft saying I'm certain its throat cancer, I feel like I'm always having to clear my throat and only seems to sting when I swallow, it's almost like there is a graze there, it's always the same place. Can't take much more of the feat though 😔

05-07-16, 09:36
Mine started in January 2016 with coughing but this constricted tight throat started probably in March when I thought I had throat cancer and it has never left me!

If it was throat cancer they would have seen something with a scope, even if there was no visible lump & the throat looked odd the DR would have biopsied something if he thought it looked odd, this is what the ENT doctor told me.

Also it would of been accompanied with weight loss, loss of appetite, blood counts abnormal..

I just want it to disappear. I also get the scratched feeling when I swallow but only on the side where the discomfort is and the same place all the time like I have hurt myself.

I am going to try and get my thyroid ultrasound done privately and try and eliminate that.

I know there is nothing in my throat, gullet or stomach now which is helping me slightly...

I wake with the tightness and feeling of constricted breathing and go to sleep with it.....AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL!