View Full Version : That awful nervous stomach feeling

30-06-16, 18:18
Any tips on dealing with the horrible butterfly tummy feeling? I have it all day, sometimes worse than others (like the mornings) but always there in the background until about 9-10pm at night when it eases off.

I can only liken it to the feeling you get sitting in the dentist's waiting room about to be called in for a tricky root canal treatment.... :scared15:

30-06-16, 20:51
Isn't it a crap symptom Mojo, it's probably the one I hate the most! I don't have an answer but will also be interested if anyone can help.

30-06-16, 20:54
Thank you. I've tried lots of different things - Buscopan, hot water bottle, Rennies, Kalms tablets, Milk of Magnesia, nothing works.

30-06-16, 21:43
Thank you. I've tried lots of different things - Buscopan, hot water bottle, Rennies, Kalms tablets, Milk of Magnesia, nothing works.

I think the feeling is something to do with your stomach having adrenaline receptors in it. Somebody suggested travel sickness tablets to me, but I'm yet to try. Do you find it effects you appetite? it does me.

30-06-16, 21:49
The only thing I've found that works is sitting calmly, deep breathing and just letting it be.

Other people have suggested that walking around a bit helps too as it burns off some of the adrenaline (which is causing it).

30-06-16, 22:56
I get this too but it's not my worst symptom. Mine is the swaying feeling and all over body numb/tingles.

With the 'nausea' it does help to eat little bits often and drink plenty. I've had success in the past with anti-nausea meds.

01-07-16, 06:38
Im just the same, I've tried everything too. I also get relief in the evening.
Pregabalin and Trazodone has helped some.

01-07-16, 06:42
I think the feeling is something to do with your stomach having adrenaline receptors in it. Somebody suggested travel sickness tablets to me, but I'm yet to try. Do you find it effects you appetite? it does me.

Oh yes, my appetite disappeared completely. I've lost over 2st in weight since last November. I don't have any appetite or even thirst and have to force food and drink down. It is awful.

01-07-16, 07:28
Are you feeling any better Mojo?

I had a couple of days of it easing and now back full throttle anxiety, full body symptoms. Not nauseous though which I suppose is good but I'd almost rather have that than the buzzing, trembling, going to explode feeling!

02-07-16, 00:59
Something that seems to help is to take deep breath in and let it out making a loud sigh, make the sigh as long as possible.
My yoga teacher said the internal vibrating this causes helps, and it seems to.:)