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View Full Version : Blood drawn from spot already bruised

30-06-16, 21:15
On tuesday I did a procedure that needed sedation. The place in my arm where the sedation was injected turned very purple and sore, a big bruise. (Note: my hand was also bruised, because it was the first place choosen for the sedation, but it didnt work)
Today, two days later, I had to do many blood exams and the nurse pick almost the same spot in my arm to draw the blood. It was the only good vein she could find. I am scared that when the needle entered my vein, maybe some coagulated blood from the first bruish entered together and now I have a blood cloth flowing in my veins.
I feel like my heart is fluttering. I am afraid...

30-06-16, 23:04
No worries... seriously... no worries.

Positive thoughts

30-06-16, 23:35
This is normal.. I donate blood. . and every time i got a big ol bruise on my arm from the needle.. Last quite a few days also.. Ur ok ;)

01-07-16, 00:10
A bit mean of the nurse to try to draw blood from there when it is already bruised, but I suppose if she didn't have much choice in terms of a good vein, then there was no other option. :shrug:

As said already, please don't worry. I have seen doctors have to take bloods or recannulate children in areas that have already been used and bruised, and with no issues in doing so. If good access is limited, then they have no choice but to draw blood or recannulate in the same place again. Happens VERY often. x

01-07-16, 00:29
Many thanks for the prompt reply. It meant a lot =)