View Full Version : Health Anxiety

01-07-16, 01:42
I would give almost a anything for one day of not worrying about my health or my daughter's. Most people with out health anxiety can be rational about normal body changes s and aches and pains. But my mind always goes to the worst possible outcome. Like for example,most people understand that if you keep poking or squeezing a body part it will start to hurt. But I always think cancer, no matter I think it is cancer. My Dr and and I are trying new meds so hopefully that will help. I also trying to find a therapist. Sorry for the long winded winning just had to vent.

01-07-16, 01:51
You're trying and that's light years ahead of many. Don't give up and keep moving forward!

Positive thoughts

01-07-16, 01:53
That's one of the things this site is for, Dale - venting. It seems you are at a high point in your HA. I have been there. Eventually it will wane. Keep talking out here. That helped me alot. Please try not to google. It only makes it worse. Hang in there friend better days lay ahead.


01-07-16, 02:13
Thank you,I have meant such lovely people on this site. Really appreciate all the kind words. I will keep trying, thanks guys.

01-07-16, 02:15
Yeah there are some really good people here. Btw that is a very cute puppy. Yours?

01-07-16, 02:34
No we have 3 cats, 2 gerbils and a fish and my daughter wants a dog.lol

01-07-16, 10:53
Hahaha...that's quite a load you have now. A dog huh? Hmm...gives me an idea for a post. Hope you chime in.


01-07-16, 11:02
Dale, I am going through exactly the same as you. Have had 3 changes in meds and seeing a counsellor on Tuesday. I will contact you again after seeing her and pass on any ideas which hopefully might help you. No joy in my life at present, but looking at threads things do improve we need to try to keep positive. Not easy though.

01-07-16, 18:53
Thank you, very much appreciated.

01-07-16, 22:10
Hi Dale

I could write a book about my health worries. cannot think rational, I always jump to cancer about every oz of sweat during the night, every pain, ache. I was embarrassed a few years ago because in the bath I thought I was bleeding turns out that was my shower gel was that colour what looked red in the bath.

I tend to poke and prod which does me no good. I have CBT in past did not help me, went to group things could not go any more was very upsetting at tiimes, i take no meds to help me.

02-07-16, 21:21
Started to google symptoms, why? I feel so stupid.