View Full Version : too scared to look, anyone feel like this

01-07-16, 10:35
I,m too scared to look on internet any more. Limiting my time on forum too.
Scared rigid. My 3 yr old wonderful grandson here and I can,t look after him, my husband has to do it.
Started to post my symptoms but can,t , I know they can,t be anxiety.
Waiting for more tests.
Want to cry because no one understands the pain I,m in.
Doctors, I know they not all the same but seem uncaring. I know they wouldn't let their family members suffer like this. Some of them have been negligent but I,m too ill to do anything about it.
I,m sure I,m making my family despise me and that hurts me more than anything.
Painkillers don't work .
This is a rant because I can't talk to anyone without crying and them thinking I,m neurotic. I know I have severe anxiety and I know people
get better, its the other, physical stuff which is killing me.

I know no one wants to read this, you all got your own problems, everyone's so different on here
Inside I,m screaming "please help me" but I don't think you can
I wish you all well

This is not the real me, I don't know where ive gone. The real me is friendly and has a sense of humour and likes to help people. The pain has got rid of me, everything is pointless the longer I,m like this the more people despise me, bu I know I,m not a bad person . I feel lost from my faith a lot of the time

01-07-16, 11:14
Oh buster you are having a terrible time!

I don't know what to say as having a very hard time myself but I don't have physical pain so I don't know what it's like.

Maybe anxiety can cause pain? It certainly causes many other alarming symptoms.

So I'm just reaching out and sending my support for what it's worth.


01-07-16, 11:24
Hi - Anxiety can and does cause tremendous physical symptoms. It's amazing how much our minds control our bodies. I have had severe symptoms that I was positive were something other than anxiety. I was wrong. Tests galore. Nothing wrong...physically. We always think of anxiety as the last reason but we should think of it as the first.


---------- Post added at 10:24 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

and it's a good thing you are afraid to google things.

01-07-16, 13:55
We aren't much different to you buster. I understand how you feel. Many times I've woken up and felt that I just can't get through another day. And we don't want to keep trying to explain to our families because they don't understand and they become irritated and think we're imagining things. I know how much pain one can have from anxiety symptoms, so I Really do understand what you're going through. Doctors get sick of us and we feel they dont believe us.
Maybe you need to approach your recovery step by step.
What symptoms do you have?
Are you on medication?
Have you tried any other treatment such as CBT or relaxation exercises?
Do you, or can you do any physical exercise, even gentle stuff like walking?
What's your diet like? Maybe there are foods that need to be eliminated.
What vitamins or supplements do you take? Maybe your system is lacking in something?

I'm sure you're not a bad person at all and the person you used to be is still there. But you're exhausted by anxiety and painful symptoms.

Ps sometimes I go for a walk where I can actually scream long and hard. It's very therapeutic.

04-07-16, 06:30
Same here, busterrufus. We feel like burdens and the negative thinking is dominating us so we think bad of everything around us. This is not the case though, it's our skewed perception.

Vent on here all you need to, we understand.

Physical symptoms have always been the worst for me, I can handle the mental symptoms better as well as the low moods/depression, but the physical symptoms of my GAD have always been the hardest part for me.

04-07-16, 08:30
Me too. Physical symptoms are very real and totally overwhelming. Please don't give yourself a hard time over this? When anxiety is severe it can dominate your life and you lose all sense of rationality.

04-07-16, 08:43
Something else I have found is that even now in my blips, pain feels worse, like it's in HD. I know some of this is the focussing issue but for me I find my increased adrenaline levels come at the same time. Adrenaline is involved in pain regulation in some way so there must be a connection in there that isn't just about awareness but stimulation too perhaps?

04-07-16, 08:45
Same here, busterrufus. We feel like burdens and the negative thinking is dominating us so we think bad of everything around us. This is not the case though, it's our skewed perception.

Vent on here all you need to, we understand.

Physical symptoms have always been the worst for me, I can handle the mental symptoms better as well as the low moods/depression, but the physical symptoms of my GAD have always been the hardest part for me.

HI Terry, would you mind sharing your physical symptoms with us, and what coping strategies you use.

Mine are my stomach; various IBS symptoms, my head; headaches, fuzzy head feeling, flu-like symptoms, dizziness, neck ache and tingling in hands and feet and some days I have huge fatigue.

When I wake up I'm at my worst and instinctively would like to stay in bed hopefully to escape into sleep again or just read a book and pretend I'm ill and need some TLC.

But I force myself to get up, clean the house and take the dog for a walk. This seems to help to get rid of some of the stress hormones. I've read that cortisol is the culprit and is at its highest in the morning.

Anyone else care to share their symptoms and coping techniques? I'm sure it'll be a help to all of us.