View Full Version : Hi I am new and don't like it...

18-03-07, 00:05
Hi everyone I don't like being a newbie..I feel lost but I think this board can help me with some of my concerns.I have been suffering from anxiety since I can remember.I do suffer a lot and they have not yet been able to settle me down on meds because I am very sensitive to them.I am mostly worried about my health.I also suffer from agoraphobia as I can't leave the house without someone with me that I feel safe with.
Hope to get comfortable here.Pretzel

18-03-07, 00:19
Hi Pretzel, welcome aboard. I am a new member as well but you will make friends quickly. The chatroom is the best place to get to know people. Sorry you are feeling bad, I can emapthise as I have had anxiety disorder and agoraphobia for over 20 years. You are amongst understanding people here. Hope to meet you in the chatroom sometime, take care, Eibhlinb:hugs:

Freaky Chick
18-03-07, 08:19
Hey Pretzel

Welcome aboard! We are all in the same or similar boat here, and you will find lots of help and advice. You are with lots of friends now who understand.

I have agorophobia too, and I can only go 2 places on my own, need people with me anywhere else, esp. shops. You are not alone.

Love and Hugs

Freaky chick:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: :hugs: :flowers: :hugs: :hugs:

18-03-07, 11:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

18-03-07, 11:53
Hi Pretzel

A warm welcome aboard.

You will soon settle in and make some new friends on here.

18-03-07, 12:06
hiya hun, like you i cant leave the house without someone i feel really safe with.. this site is great, sure you'll fit in really quickly.. :)

Pink Princess
18-03-07, 13:48
hey welcome to the site, hope to speak soon, take kare x x x

18-03-07, 18:32
Hi there,

Welcome to the site, I also suffer from health anxiety and this site definately helps a lot.

Take care

shirley xx

18-03-07, 18:51

I have been growing/cultivating agoraphobia for the past 30 years. Although not house bound I have been. I am more neighbourhood bound. Trying to stretch my comfort zone a little further. One step forwad, one back some days are better than others. When I could not walk past the garden gate in the daytime. I tried at night. I do not know why but it worked so after a few night time journeys time for the daytime ones. I now cycle to work, so when I have an attack I have something to lean on and push till the attack ceases.

I hope this site helps you to develope and find your own solutions.

19-03-07, 16:32
Tahnk you everyone for the warm welcome...the site is so big I feel kinda lost in it though.