View Full Version : Hi day 4 for citalopram advice needed please!

01-07-16, 19:54
I have health anxiety espically to medication and never read the leaflet in the box (I give them to my partner to read instead)
So I'm in aware of the side effects, however I googled if I could have two meds that I am on with citalopram and came across side effects like dizzyness fast heart rate and becoming light headed. To seek urgent medical attention
The thing is I always get the above due to my anxiety so it's going to be very scary when I now get these symptoms :(

I'm on omprazole the doctor said its fine to take with citalopram however before asking her i came across information on drug sites that they can interact and make the citalopram more effective and increase heart rate which is dangerous.
So now I'm scared.
Also I'm on fluconazole once a week for a few months, the doctor said I'm fine on it together how ever the drug sites say serious danger.
I'm so lost on what to do I know taking these are with risks now :(

01-07-16, 21:42
That's hard one. Maybe it's more if you take them at the same time? Perhaps take the others later in the day and the cit in the morning?

01-07-16, 23:21
Omeprazole is just a PPI used for gastric acid and things, I look after a MASSIVE amount of people who are on PPI's with citalopram so please try not to worry about that one. I don't take it every day but I take it a few times a week for heart burn & have never had any problems. They have to list all possible side effects, even if only a very small portion of people experience them. I know it's hard but you're likely going to have lots of new or unpleasant sensations after starting on Citalopram and I want to reassure you it's quite safe to take it with omeprazole.
As for the fluconazole, the best thing you can do is call into your local pharmacist or give them a ring & tell them about what you've read. Pharmacists are very helpful and knowledgeable about drug interactions x

03-07-16, 22:19
Thank you both. After your comments I've decided that I'm going to continue taking the omprazole I'm glad there's no interation! And will ring my local pharmacy about the thrush treatment. Just for peace of mind as my doctor said its fine!