View Full Version : What is this itching? Cancer?

01-07-16, 21:57

I am becoming really worried about itching. It started happening this week tho i have had it earlier in the year too. I am itchy pretty much anywhere and everywhere. It seems worse at night and particularly in bed. I was worried at first about bed bugs or dust mites but cleaned all bedding and plus I get it when not in bed. I then googled and lymphoma come up and now I feel it is this as that says it's worse at night and in bed. I have no rash or anything so that's more worrying. I will go to the doctors but won't get an appointment for 2 weeks :(

The itching is horrible and just starts anywhere and will move around my body but a lot on my legs and arms and shoulders but sometimes in my ears my nose and odd places.

Has anyone had this or similar?

02-07-16, 09:44
First off all don't Google, I have done the crime of Googling in the past which is not good, when I was really bad it was 24/7. I try not to Google as often these days, but still can be a problem at times.

Have you changed anything like soap, washing up powder etc which can cause you to itch, I have had in the past where I have itching areas and had to switch soaps, shower gel (which I don't use any more) as I just soap now to wash with.

It is sensible to go to GP.

02-07-16, 10:14
It is one of a long list the anxiety symptoms.
Also when you are nervous or worrying.
I used to scratch my legs unknowingly sometimes, especially in bed which is where I worry the most.
Try not to google, find your info on here; googling is bad for you.