View Full Version : I'm so tired of feeling different to everyone :(

01-07-16, 23:56
I mean, I love being me, I do. I am happy with who I am. But I just feel so different to others :(

I feel like other people are at best incompatible with me and at worst very closed-minded and dismissive of me.

Does anyone else have this problem?

I'm so tired of feeling alone ._.

04-07-16, 17:11
It's cruel how you've not had a reply to this. I agree with what you say, i feel fundamentally different. I often say, especially at my worst, I felt like an alien from space trying to fit in, and, quite frankly doing a poor job of it. You aren't alone

11-07-16, 18:19

I'm 40 and have felt this my entire life. Can I ask how old you are?

I'm just about starting to accept the fact that I LIKE being different but it's been an uphill struggle my whole life. I know how you feel. I make friends easily but I rarely meet people who I feel an honest connection with. I could count on one hand in my 40 years to be honest.

You'll learn to love it one day. Look at some of the great successes. Angelina Jolie always felt 'weird' and never had any friends, she still doesn't. Johnny Depp has said the same. I read about a lot of this stuff as I needed to feel less alone. Do a google search and you'll be amazed at what you read.

No one notices the white sheep in the field. They notice the one black one.

Mark, it isn't cruel. Maybe people haven't seen it? I know I've only just seen this post.

12-07-16, 05:09
I am totally alone in this world.......seriously. But unlike you, I am not happy in the least with who I am nor do I love being me. So I understand your loneliness to a point.

Personally I feel like I am the only person in the world like me! I am the only one who understands me! No one has ever even tried to help me in any way shape or form, apart from to tell you to go to the bloody doctors!!!! Who of course are only going to give you these new fangled anti-depressants! Only God knows how an anti-depressant can help anxiety!:wacko::wacko: Sorry gone off on one :winks::winks:

Purple Llama
13-07-16, 15:38
I know what you mean. Not really connecting with other people can be very isolating and unpleasant. Personally, I can get on with people quite easily - but hardly ever feel as though a significant long term connection has been made. I probably spend so much time worrying about them thinking negative thoughts about me , that I don't really listen to anyone!!....

14-07-16, 03:48
Hm, now I went quiet on this thread :)

I guess... I often feel OK but sometimes I just get lows, you know?

Tonight I feel a bit low as I'm trying to work out where to move home to and... oh without going into details it's just tricky. And it's making me miss the past and wish my health was a bit better ._.

Thank you for the replies though, I appreciate them :)

On the plus side, I have been feeling a bit more confident about social stuff. I have decided that if I attend local events about things I like, I can meet people that way as of course events tend to be busy and stuff! It worked well for me when I was staying in Malta for a while!

Also, I am quite into politics and so of course I can attend things related to political parties that I like and stuff wherever I happen to be living.

So that's an improvement!

It seems there are a number of us who find it hard to fit in though. Shame we're so scattered over the country!

14-07-16, 06:38
Also, I am quite into politics and so of course I can attend things related to political parties that I like and stuff wherever I happen to be living.

Come join us on the Misc board, we've got a few political threads on the go.

28-07-16, 21:47
You people are not alone!

I spent most of my young life wondering what was wrong with me. I've always been extremely lucky to have some amazing friends at every point of my life, but what kind of 18yr old guy would prefer to stay at home on a Friday night, lying to his friends to avoid going out?

What kind of person lies to avoid going for social drinks with colleagues (who they really like) after work?

What kind of person, when faced with an empty house when the SO works away, loves nothing more than putting some music on, doing some housework, then watching a film even though there are friends up the road?

What kind of person would rather spend a saturday night playing a single-player PC game in the dark rather than having some friends over for beers and a movie?

Honestly, I'm 30 now and it's only really in the last few years I've accepted that I'm not necessarily weird. I'm just not into the same things as the 'majority.' I'm happy in my own company. I'm happy doing my own thing. I like time to reflect on things and straighten my head out. I actually feel more sorry for a couple of my friends who absolutely can't be alone - they always have to be doing something, with someone. That would be far worse.

One thing I have learned over the years is that you're absolutely 100% not alone. There are tons of people similar to you. It's just that most of them are probably doing the same thing as you - sitting quietly somewhere wondering what's wrong with them.

Embrace your individuality! Find the things that you love and focus on them. Do more of them. Stop fighting it - just let yourself be who you want to be. True friends will always be there, and the incompatible people will fade away and become memories. Sounds cheesy but it's true.

Relax and enjoy yourself :)
