View Full Version : Constant headaches 3 months

anx mum
02-07-16, 10:13
Really struggling at mo with constant severe headaches. Been going on 3 months now. Been admitted to hospital twice now and drs can't find anything. My anxiety is thr the roof as my mother had a stroke aged 53. Can anyone relate don't normally get headaches.

02-07-16, 22:53
Firstly what tests have you had done? Have you had a mri brain scan? If not then ask your GP to refer you to a neurologist as they specialise in headaches.
Remember most headaches are not from anything nasty but it is sensible to have anything nasty ruled out if your headaches are persistant and unusual for you.
If you have had brain scan and nothing has shown up then again neuro's run headache clinics to help sufferers.

anx mum
03-07-16, 08:33
Thanks country girl for replying I've had mri of head done Friday just waiting for results. I'm really struggling with this pain the pain keeps moving at the moment is around right temple. Asked my gp last week if she can refer me too headache specialist cos this has been going on 3 months now

04-07-16, 03:31
My mum suffered with severe headaches in her 50's I think it was due to the menopause! I don't know your age though Bev.

"Tension causes scalp muscles to spasm and pain" says Dr Claire Weekes in one of her books. Not sure how you deal with it though.

Good luck with the MRI results but I'm sure everything will be ok.

My mum used to get a handkerchief and put vinegar on it and lay down and put it on her forehead. Bloody stank but it did help.


04-07-16, 03:54
I can. I don't often get severe headaches anymore. But I can guaranty you they are tension/stress headaches. What do you take for them? I used to get really bad ones.


anx mum
04-07-16, 09:43
Thank u for your replies. I'm 37 hope it's not the menopause. Struggling so much my Nero doc isn't really helping. Haven't had test results yet.

04-07-16, 10:17
Hopefully the mri will be fine and nothing nasty is causing the headaches. This will not help the pain but will help you relax which will reduce any muscle tension that might be contributing to the headache.

The other possibility is a neck problem as I get alot of temple pain from damaged disc in my neck. I also get crawling prickling sensation all over my scalp and temple/face from this so if you have any neck pain then this could be next place to look into. Just a thought.

anx mum
04-07-16, 11:53
Just saw my gp again feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Asked him if there's anything he can give me to help with pain ie injection and he said no cos one of my medication interacts with injection. Wish someone would believe me

anx mum
05-07-16, 19:09
Still suffering with headaches last night was in severe pain was thinking this is stroke. My anxiety is through the roof. Still waiting on mri test result:weep::weep:

05-07-16, 21:45
Poor you. Can you see a different GP at your practise? Are you taking lots of painkillers for the headache as these can cause rebound headaches.

Hopefully you get your mri result soon x

06-07-16, 07:10
I had headaches for about two months which is unusual for me as i never get headaches. In the end they went away when I managed to get a handle on my anxiety. If it was something serious it would have showed up on the MRI and they would have got you back in asap.

anx mum
06-07-16, 07:24
Seen quite a few gps at surgery. There saying it's a tension headache. Still waiting on mri result. My neroligist told me not too take strong painkillers so I haven't done what he said and hasent made a difference feel like he hasent really helped me.

anx mum
06-07-16, 11:48
Just to let you know my mri has come back clear. Still in alot of pain which is unexplained my nero doctor hasent put a treatment plan in place

06-07-16, 11:54
Are you making a plan to work on your anxiety? Neurological cause has been ruled out so strong painkillers can make it worse. Tension is the worst culprit.

anx mum
06-07-16, 12:25
Im trying not to worry its hard when headaches are so bad

06-07-16, 12:41
Are you making a plan to work on your anxiety?... Tension is the worst culprit.

^^^ THAT!^^^ You've had these headaches in the past and it was attributed to stress and anxiety. Work on the root cause and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts