View Full Version : Not really fearing things as much..

02-07-16, 13:16
I'm wondering if this is just me or the zoloft is helping my anxiety? I still have a kinda big fear of panic attacks but nowhere near as big as before.. Hope this means something good

02-07-16, 14:52
I would say that's the meds working. My experience with Zoloft was that I personally didn't notice anything different but those around me did. It wasn't until the differences were pointed out that it was like "Ohh.. Ok... that's good". Between the meds and one on one therapy, I got myself out of depression :)

Positive thoughts

02-07-16, 15:05
Zoloft (or sertraline) has pretty much given me my life back. It's not so much that it gives you an obvious feeling, it just seems to gradually pick you up. I've found it very useful in terms of it giving me he space to properly consider and apply what I've learned in therapy.

02-07-16, 15:10
It's not an all off a sudden thing with Z I think. It's more subtle. One just starts to have more good periods than bad. But no matter what you will have a bad day here or there...everyone has those. But we just don't go over the top about them.


02-07-16, 16:11
Thank you all for the comments, I really appreciate your input :) I have been on it now about 5 months, and its only now that I notjce I'm a lot more in control.. It took a bit longer to work because I was going through benzo withdrawl

02-07-16, 16:19
Benzos can be nasty. Good for you! But 5 months is pretty normal in regards to time for Sertraline to take hold in a positive way. It can be up to a year. Of course everyone wants it to work sooner.
