View Full Version : Colonoscopy

02-07-16, 15:12
I've just been to what I thought was a chat about having my colonoscopy but it was the actual procedure. I got all panicky and my wife who was there along with the nurse said to not have it done as I was already sweaty etc.

The doctor as good as gave me the choice to use it done and I thought I'd do it. A few months ago I had fresh blood come out when I went to the toilet on and off. It's stopped completely. I had bloods and a bowel cancer stool test bit nothing came back plus I'm only 31. My diet was poor. I'm going to go back to my old gp who I trust and see what he says but I just feel guilty for not doing it today and think of the what ifs. I keep worrying about my BP the bottom reading went as high as 98 the other day but went down to 86. I was panicking about that too. Doctor said she wasn't concerned about bowel cancer even before tests but why send me...oh I don't know.

02-07-16, 15:31
Why not get it done friend? I'm surprised they could give you the lower GI without a prep though....you know...fasting for 24...the nasty prep drink... Though I have heard there's an easier procedure. I think you should get it done if for no other reason than piece of mind.


02-07-16, 16:40
My friend had similar to you and it turned out to be a polop, (sorry not sure of spelling), which they removed there and then and she is fine. :)

02-07-16, 16:58
Not had the full works but had a sigmoidoscopy a few years ago because I had bad abdominal pain. I remember having the prep stuff which was not very nice to drink. The team who did the scan looked after me to help me control my breathing.

All what was find after the finally scan was a small pouch (non serious) which could have been removed by key hole if needed, I got told it was pretty common

02-07-16, 18:59
Thanks for the replies. I was told I could have the stuff wait an hour then have it done. I wish I didn't back out. Filled with guilt now and feel stupid not having it done. Could be all over with now. And now I keep thinking what if it's cancer....Doctor was so sure it was not anything serious but gave me the choice to go which is strange.

---------- Post added at 17:55 ---------- Previous post was at 17:47 ----------

I should never do this but just Google'd as I though bowel cancer was for over 40s usually and a big thing came up with rip age 33. I could have just had it but now I'm crying. Ffs

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:55 ----------

Before today I dint even think about bowel cover even though I was going for a test but because of what I have read I'm beside myself. My bloods were fine and no blood found in stool so why see me....then I read about a 28 year old that didn't have any issues then died within 10 months. All my anxiety has come back...ove been living a normal live for ages.

How do I forget about it. Maybe I should call doctors on Monday to resend details for appointment and just forget about it until then but get it over with. I felt dizzy after going which shows that the light heaviness was probably just Stress rather than cancer. I feel low

---------- Post added at 18:59 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

It's all starting again

02-07-16, 19:27
It's not cancer. The doctor probably sensed your anxiety. You can still go, right?

02-07-16, 19:47
Thank you..I've calmed down a bit

02-07-16, 20:44
It's all starting again

No it's not! You have control over this Sean. Don't fall into the same reassurance seeking habits that feed the dragon. You've been there and done this before. Nip it in the bud before it becomes an issue! You've fought too hard and long to allow the dragon to start controlling you again.

Positive thoughts

02-07-16, 22:42
You were offered a sigmoidoscopy that is examination of the lower part of bowel, this is done without any prep beforehand just an enema at the hospital before the proceedure.
If you do decide to have one done then you can request sedation if you think this would help you cope with it, I have had quite a few of these done plus a full colonoscopy and always have sedation.

07-07-16, 19:05
Thanks everyone. I've got a doctors appointment over the phone on Monday. I calmed down but had bleeding for the first time in weeks today. Doctor said it wasn't food but I ate a really spicy wrap for lunch and it started. Maybe it aggravated something? Now I'm worrying again.

07-07-16, 19:22
If it's hot going in, it' s going to be hot coming out and that can and does aggravate hemmies and fissures.

Positive thoughts and a good curry!