View Full Version : Really worried about my blood pressure

02-07-16, 19:36
I have been having constant problems with light-headedness and dizziness the last 2 weeks. I had an impacted wisdom tooth and thought this was the cause, that subsided, but the dizziness did not.

Today I bought a blood pressure machine. A friend said to do a reading sitting down and another standing up. The sitting down reading was about 133/87 which was just about in the normal range, when I stood up it shot up to 132/111, which is way over what is considered normal.

Heart disease runs in my mum's side of the family so I'm terrified at the moment.

I have been under so much stress the last few months with the illness and eventual passing of my father. I'm hoping it's to do with that, but I'm fearing the worst. :weep:

02-07-16, 20:07
Usually light-headedness and dizziness is related to a decrease in blood pressure when standing up quickly.
You need to wait at least 2 minutes between taking readings on the same arm,this allows the vessels in the arm to recover from the previous pressure/squeezing.
Hypertension often does not have any symptoms.
Anxiety can raise your blood pressure.
You should sit quietly for a few minutes before taking your blood pressure and make sure your arm is level with your heart, like resting on a table.
I have been a cardiovascular nurse for over 18 years.
Hope this helps.

04-07-16, 12:41
I wouldnt worry about this

This happened to me and when i went to docs its was 147/110

they did a 24 hour monitor and it averaged 178/118 but when im anxious or at the docs it shoots away up

please dont worry about that, best time to take it is first thing when you wake up nice and relaxed

05-07-16, 12:37
I wouldnt worry about this

This happened to me and when i went to docs its was 147/110

they did a 24 hour monitor and it averaged 178/118 but when im anxious or at the docs it shoots away up

please dont worry about that, best time to take it is first thing when you wake up nice and relaxed

I had it taken yesterday at urgent care centre. It was about 139/91. Obviously a bit high, but nurse said it's normal for someone feeling anxious. Which I most definitely was at that time.

05-07-16, 12:54
I have a BP machine. I was advised by my cardiologist. I was taking it daily at the same time and carefully following the directions (very important!). For my machine (which is a very good one), I have to sit quietly for at least ten minutes before taking a reading. Then wait 5 minutes and take it again. I can imagine taking your BP all jacked up and anxious has an obvious effect of a high reading ;)

If you're not under doctor's orders to do so, having the machine can and will only feed your anxiety and fears.

Positive thoughts

05-07-16, 13:20
I agree Fishmanpa. I got rid of mine in the end.
It became a bit of an obsession.

I always had good bp until looking after my parents.

I went to the Doctors one day and it was 165/95, then I took it in the waiting room and it had dropped down to 135/85.

Christmas Day I took it and it was 185/105!
I rather not know, to be honest. When I feel a very anxious, I do meditation instead.

05-07-16, 13:27
I agree Fishmanpa. I got rid of mine in the end.
It became a bit of an obsession.
I rather not know, to be honest. When I feel a very anxious, I do meditation instead.

Most people who aren't anxious, nary give it a thought. Even though I have to monitor mine, it's more a PITA than anything!

BP changes minute to minute based on what you're doing. High BP, unless drastically high, doesn't have any symptoms and having a high reading now and again is not detrimental. Consistently high readings may require medical intervention.

Let your doctor decide if you need to monitor it or take meds to control it. The best way to insure good heart health is common sense. Eat right, exercise and don't smoke!

Positive thoughts