View Full Version : Lipoma

02-07-16, 20:31
I posted on here a while ago. I have a lump in my tummy, quite low down, it's near my belly button to the left. I've had 3 babies by c section so amongst the mummy tummy in the fat 'mummy tummy' bit ( sorry for the grim description) the doctor said its moveable & that it's a lipoma & to stop worrying. I was reassured for a while then the worry started again so I saw another doctor who agreed it's fine but I read something online which said all lipomas should be biopsied as some cancers mimic lipomas, now the worry & doubts are back.

Is this just h.a panic? Would people without h.a forget about it? Or is this a valid worry? I'm blinded by anxiety at the moment

Any thoughts would be welcome.

Chrissie xx

02-07-16, 20:40
From the last post...

I just went through this! I've had a lump on my lower right back for years. I always assumed it was a lipoma. The difference is it's deep inside. Well, about a month or so ago, I started getting pain there. When I checked it was obvious it had grown a bit as I didn't remember it being as large before.

Well, the "scanxiety" kicked in a bit and I have to say I was a bit concerned due to the pain. The thing is, it didn't hurt to push on it. The pain was like a dull muscle ache in the entire lower right side of my back. I had an appointment coming with my GP the end of the month but decided to pay a visit this week. He checked it out and believed it was a lipoma but based on my history with cancer, sent me for an ultrasound. I'm waiting on the "official" results but the tech knew I was concerned and had the doctor take a look right away and he thinks it's a lipoma too. I'll talk to my GP in a few weeks and see what we can do. I'm up for having it cut out as it's causing me constant discomfort. We'll see.

People can get lipomas anywhere on their body. Like your doctor said and I know, they're harmless.

And an update. The results of the ultrasound confirm it's a lipoma. Spoke to my GP about it. Sitting, driving etc, puts it in constant contact and is irritating it so he's thinking to recommend surgery to take it out. I see him in 4 months for a followup and we'll see about it then. For now, OTC and prescription pain meds take the edge off, that's what Ill be treating it.

But yeah... nothing has changed from your prior post. It's a harmless lipoma.

Positive thoughts and fatty lumps ;)

02-07-16, 20:45
I'm so glad all is ok! I have been wondering about you x

04-07-16, 17:57
I'm worried I'm not going to be able to get past this without a scan or biopsy or something to prove its a lipoma & not something bad.