View Full Version : Breast cancer fear

02-07-16, 22:45
Hi guys well I've been OK for a few weeks with this fea . But im holiday at the moment and my breast has gotten sore agai . I've now convinced myself ive got breast cancer again especially because I've been drinking a lot more alcohol than usual. The pain is in the same breast its always been and I've already been told im OK at the breast clinic and had an ultrasound which was clear. I feel so scared again

02-07-16, 22:48
I am sure you have been told its hormal?? Have you kept a diary of the soreness so you can see if its coming at regular times or at certain times of your menstrual cycle as this might make you see what is happening and accept that hormones make your boobs hurt!

I only ever got pain in one boob all the time I was mentruating, never ever had it in the other one.

02-07-16, 22:51
I've now convinced myself ive got breast cancer again especially because I've been drinking a lot more alcohol than usual.

If drinking causes you to revert to negative thinking, perhaps the remedy is to reduce or abstain from drinking.

Positive thoughts

02-07-16, 23:41
Most breast cancers don't cause pain. But I have had breast pain and after the mammogram came back negative still thought it was had breast cancer . It's just how health anxiety works .

03-07-16, 13:39
I've had breast pain on and off for a couple of years. I've been told many times breast cancer doesn't present with pain. Unfortunately it's just something us women have to deal with. My close relative had Breast cancer last year there was no pain at all. You need to trust the doctors or your health anxiety will take over your life. I've been there it's awful but luckily I trust my GP deeply and seldom doubt their diagnoses.
I may be wrong, but I'm sure alcohol can cause breast pain, as can Caffiene and other things but I'm not sure what.

18-07-16, 22:20
Every time i drink alcohol i convince myself im goi g to get breast cancer and die and leave my husabd and daughter behind. I do enjoy a glass of wine or two but its bow ruining me being able to enjoy this

19-07-16, 07:10
You enjoy a glass of wine, but it starts your spiral of thoughts again. This is where you need to take some responsibility for your fears, and avoid drink. Stick to soft drinks instead, and enjoy your holiday.

19-07-16, 07:49
I think the issue of abstaining is a larger one than this thread and so the other elements of the OP's anxiety should also be considered first when it comes to permanent abstinence.

That's the long term view though, avoidance is often necessary in the short term until ready to confront fears. Reducing would be a good idea at the moment though and retaining more control. So, do what you need to on your holiday to get through, the rest can be tackled in therapy later.


19-07-16, 17:08
If one glass of wine is causing a resurgence of thoughts, then there isn't any place to go with reduction. Better to steer clear just now. Plenty of routes to take afterwards if abstinence is what is wanted, but that is up to the OP.

19-07-16, 21:56
I personally gave up alcohol 3 years ago around the time i developed health anxiety. However I've never been one to enjoy the taste of alcohol, i drank specifically to get tipsy so it was easier for me because in my eyes, it wasn't the drink i was giving up (as I hated the taste anyway) it was the tipsyness or drunkenness.

19-07-16, 22:04
Are you wearing a good supportive bra?
I've read that poor support can cause breast soreness and pain.
Interesting no?

19-07-16, 22:15
When I was getting breast pain a few months back, I was terrified. Breast cancer is in my family and I was convinced I had it. I even had lumps and bumps that seemed to have change daily!

I finally got to the doctor who did an exam and found nothing unusual but sent me to the breast clinic anyways because my mother has fibrocystic breasts and that could be why I was having pain. In the meantime I took evening primrose oil which is well known to help breast pain and it worked wonderfully!

I was at the breast clinic last week and they did an exam and ultrasound and found nothing. I was told that breast pain isn't a symptom of breast cancer too (as others here have said). Breast pain can be completely hormonal, and it sounds like yours is triggered by alcohol. Nonetheless I've learned that it's not serious and if you are worried, your GP will reassure you when you get back home (and you should try evening primrose oil!).

Appa Yip Yip
20-07-16, 00:46
I hope I don't trigger anyone with this, but I did have breast cancer when I was 24 (talk about panic). I had zero pain at all and the lump was VERY palpable. I was told by my breast surgeon and oncologist that breast cancer almost never hurts. Breast pain in one area is almost always a cyst, especially if it's cyclical (though it can last more than one cycle at a time). I have had cysts since my diagnosis and talk about sheer panic of finding a painful lump after that. But every time I've had it checked out it's been fine. The last time I called my breast surgeon (more like a family friend now) in a panic after I found one of those, he reassured me that it was nothing and that pain is actually a good thing. He told me to wait a couple cycles to see if it went away and, lo and behold, it did.

But even to this day I still get a little freaked out when I have a painful area especially if there's a lump (cyst). It's just health anxiety. Pain = bad, scary. But it isn't always. So I'm super sure you're fine. If you simply can't manage, then see your doctor who will put your mind at ease. But I'm sure if you wait it will go away.

20-07-16, 16:18
I hope I don't trigger anyone with this, but I did have breast cancer when I was 24 (talk about panic). I had zero pain at all and the lump was VERY palpable. I was told by my breast surgeon and oncologist that breast cancer almost never hurts. Breast pain in one area is almost always a cyst, especially if it's cyclical (though it can last more than one cycle at a time). I have had cysts since my diagnosis and talk about sheer panic of finding a painful lump after that. But every time I've had it checked out it's been fine. The last time I called my breast surgeon (more like a family friend now) in a panic after I found one of those, he reassured me that it was nothing and that pain is actually a good thing. He told me to wait a couple cycles to see if it went away and, lo and behold, it did.

But even to this day I still get a little freaked out when I have a painful area especially if there's a lump (cyst). It's just health anxiety. Pain = bad, scary. But it isn't always. So I'm super sure you're fine. If you simply can't manage, then see your doctor who will put your mind at ease. But I'm sure if you wait it will go away.

Can I ask you what your lump felt like? I'm going tomorrow to see a surgeon about 2 lumps I found in my right breast. I can feel them VERY easily and they move around a lot and are smooth but firm. They are completely painless and that is what is freaking me out about them. I'm so scared!