View Full Version : Lymphoma

03-07-16, 01:17
I always had my anxiety under control but now its at the point where its becoming extremely overwhelming and i dont know what what happened. Recently i have been having pain under my jaw and found a tiny lymph node swollen. I cant even explain how bad my anxiety is about this. I have been to three different doctors. First one said my lymph nodes were fine. Second one said they were a little swollen but nothing to worry about. Third one said the same and also did blood tests and thyroid tests and said that my white blood count cells and everything else came back perfect. I am scared so sick. Some of my symptoms are obviously two lymph nodes about the size of a pea swollen under my jaw and really hurting. Extreme tiredness. Headaches. Runny nose. My sinuses have also been insanely bad. I cant sleep or eat because im so scared. I dont even know what to do. How can i beat this?