View Full Version : Just got eye test done question

03-07-16, 08:25
Hey I just of my eyes tested final II had many issues giviing me anxiety from them and always to scared to go to doctor, but I maned up and did. Anyways the doctor told me I need glasses which Igpt becuase of astigmatism in both eyes so that solved the ghosting isssue and light focusing. But I mentioned him my floaters that I have gotten really bad in both eyes. He did the dialted test and stuff and all he said was everything looked super healthy, nothing about floaters at all . what does that mean did he not see tehm ?? Becausei my stress has been thinking i have a brain tumor and these eye issues I thought that's what it was from but he said rhey looks great. So my question is that if I hadbrain tumor causing floaters would doctor be able to see them and also would my optic nerve be change..... Thanks everyone

03-07-16, 10:49
all he said was everything looked super healthy

It means this.

Congratulations on you clean bill of eye health. I've had one myself despite having eye floaters. It's all good.

03-07-16, 13:32
As floaters are totally normal part of your eye the eye man would not mention them because they are not anything that should not be there. I find the only time they mention them is if they see a particulary big one then they might and not often comment on how big it is!

You have had the all clear for your eyes, he would have seen anything there was to see out of the ordinary and they train for an awful lot of years so they do know what they are talking about:)

03-07-16, 13:36
I've got floaters they do my head in and I also had 'flickering' back in January. I got the dilation test (your eyes feel crazy afterwards don't they?) and mentioned my floaters and she said she couldn't see any so they must be so small. They are normal and I specifically mentioned brain tumour as that was my fear and was advised if you had a brain tumour and it was affecting your eyes/vision. it would usually be due to an enlarged optic nerve and they would be able to see. Floaters are very common.