View Full Version : Oxygen Saturation

03-07-16, 14:58
So my hyperventilation was less, and finally my CBT and meds kicked in. Then just this past week the hyperventilation came back, with other symptoms. I coughed up a small tiny little bit of blood but the paramedics said I was fine. Yesterday, I went to the hospital. The finger meter read 99, the thing at the hospital read 100 (they didn't put me on regular vital checks, felt it wasn't needed) but in the ambulance it fluctuated constantly, mostly from 95 to 99, then 92 to 99, then 88 to 99, and was moving pretty fast in ups and downs. Was this due to hyperventilation? Faulty equipment? Or should I be concerned? They said it was due to bumping the roads, and me moving my hand around alot, and sometimes certain fingers fingers read better than others. I hit about a 79 at the hospital but she told me that's because I switched fingers while it was checking not to mention it keep reading weird numbers when /not/ on my finger. Should I trust the doctor and paramedics, and nurse, that said 98-100 is what it really is since that's what it read on the non-ambulance meters and the others were due to fluctuations from riding along and hyperventilating? It really freaks me out because sometimes I feel like I can't catch a breath or as they put it from my description I'm believing I'm not getting enough air so I force myself to hyperventilate. They said my blood levels checked well, but my CO2 was a whole 6% under acceptable threshold. Apparently that can be caused by hyperventilation, and wouldn't be the case if I actually had something wrong? It seems the most serious things a low CO2 would indicate would've been caught right away, so it seems most likely it's hyperventilation that caused that, and therein, most of my symptoms? Thank you for any answers. I'm 24 by the way, and this is my... 11-12th visit. They've run d-dimers in the past, amongst other things. Thing is, I don't recall them generally keeping oxygen checked during whole ambulance rides so this might've been why I never noticed crazy flucuations at all my other visits. Any opinions? Ideas?

03-07-16, 15:02
If paramedics, doctors, and nurses have all said it's fine and not a cause for concern then I'm pretty sure you are fine. It is just your health anxiety playing up to be honest.

03-07-16, 15:22
If paramedics, doctors, and nurses have all said it's fine and not a cause for concern then I'm pretty sure you are fine. It is just your health anxiety playing up to be honest.
Thank you. I asked if it could be my allergies helping trigger my anxiety because my room won't stay the temp I want, and because I have severe allergies, they think it's a possible case. Triggers aside, they're sure it is the anxiety too. And the blood they said was so small an amount that it fits the description of my recent hyperventilation and forceful coughing irritating my throat. Maybe it's also I just need my psyche meds adjusted when I follow up. I'm guessing if it was an actual issue, that like all of them say, it would've been much worse by now, not disappear, then appear again, be recurrent, or last for days without doing anything.