View Full Version : Can't cope anymore

03-07-16, 15:18
I'm convinced I have myocarditis I have been really fatigued had chest arm jaw finger wrist pain in both hands constant pins and needles for a week if had four normal eggs and normal reopening but then a doc said it don't tell u if u have it IV never have the joint pain or pins n needles before I'm freaking

03-07-16, 20:28
Nausea is a common symptom of anxiety. Especially when you think you have it, it only makes it worse. This week has been diabetes for me and nausea has been a constant symptom. For the pins and needles, are you skinny? I have constant pins and needles unless I sit cross legged on a seat. You have to remember pins and needles isn't the body part falling asleep, it's the opposite. Joint pain is quite normal for everyone as the body is constantly changing and working itself. Please don't worry yourself.

04-07-16, 06:31
Hiya I'm not skinny its in my arms and hands constantly I just can't calm down I don't understand y the doc wouldn't do chest Cray it shows if heart enlarged n online it says myocarditis isn't always picked up on troponin and veg in terrified

04-07-16, 22:39
Every time I think I didn't have an xray I freak out :( surely it'd of shown on ecg or bloods

Gary A
04-07-16, 23:20
Myocarditis is an infection of the heart muscle, the myocardium. Infections have markers in the blood, such as high or low levels of red and or white blood cells.

If you had myocarditis, your bloods would have shown infection markers. If they didn't, then you don't have myocarditis. It really is that simple.

05-07-16, 07:03
I'm concerned I have drug induced due to starting an anti physchotic

Gary A
05-07-16, 07:59
I'm concerned I have drug induced due to starting an anti physchotic

An infection is an infection. Inflammation is inflammation. If you had myocarditis, your blood work would have shown that something was amiss. It didn't.

Seriously, stop doing this to yourself.

05-07-16, 11:34
My crp is always raised the one for inflammation I'm not intending to feel like I'm gonna die il b first to admit I'm out of control but I can't seem to get help from anywhere

05-07-16, 12:38
il b first to admit I'm out of control but I can't seem to get help from anywhere

Aren't you under the care of a crisis team?

Positive thoughts

05-07-16, 14:08
theyve discharged me they can only have me under their care for 4 weeks at a time all i have is access to a help line
my gp is helping as much as he can but he just keeps sending me for bloods on hormones and vitamins ect that keep coming back abnormal im on stupid amount of medication at the moment

Gary A
05-07-16, 14:17
My crp is always raised the one for inflammation I'm not intending to feel like I'm gonna die il b first to admit I'm out of control but I can't seem to get help from anywhere

Part of the problem here is your willingness to always find some reason to talk yourself into a state of worry and fear. You said yourself that "surely this would have shown up in my blood", I have told you twice now that it would have, but both times you've found some form of warped reasoning to dismiss that.

The tests you've had would have at the very least shown something was amiss if you indeed did have myocarditis. They simply have not. You do not have myocarditis, please try to accept that.

07-07-16, 11:31
Do u no if constant pins in needles in hands a sign of anxiety IV never had it before but constantly for past two weeks

07-07-16, 12:13
Do u no if constant pins in needles in hands a sign of anxiety IV never had it before but constantly for past two weeks

Yep! Definitely a symptom (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Numbness_or_tingling_in_hands_and_feet).

Positive thoughts