View Full Version : Coping with stress/upheaval

03-07-16, 15:37
So there's a lot going on with my family right now..mainly health related. I think that we may lose a close family member very soon and whilst I know that I can't do anything about it, I react really badly (physically) to stress and bad news, I get dizzy and my limbs go weak. (I know they're symptoms of panic etc)

Does anyone have any advice?


03-07-16, 19:23
So sorry to hear this, losing a loved one is never easy whether it is expected or not. I would allow yourself to grieve your way for this and take your time there are no rules for grief. The no more pamic facebook page always has a listening ear if you need one.

With your other symptoms, these are panic related try to find time for yourself so you get some relief from it all.

05-07-16, 21:24
Many thanks!
