View Full Version : Constant fear of leukemia. Petechiae spots??

03-07-16, 18:31
I have anxiety over my 7 year old daughter's health and it's taking over me. I'm currently 39 weeks pregnant and can't take anything. She scratches her skin or gets any little trauma and spots that I look up and Google says are petechiae appear around the area she scratched or rubbed. But sometimes she doesn't remember if she scratched or not. I asked for a complete blood count twice already with results being normal. First time I asked was because I was worried about her bruised shins. She's very active and is thin. Doctor said it was normal and also didn't think much of the spots last time I took her but agreed to a new blood test. My daughter hates me for this and is now terrified :( this last test came back normal for platelets and red cells and the white were slightly elevated but doctor was not concerned at all because she was fighting a virus/ infection and white blood can elevate. She said she was actually surprised they weren't higher. No follow up test ordered and she said my daughter looked healthy and leukemia never crossed her mind by looking at everything and the results of that blood test. No fever, energetic, acts normal. But I'm haunted by these petechia dots. They're only a few in one spot and happen and then and disappear but every time I can't stop thinking it's something sinister and I check her body multiple times a day it's affecting her.

Has anyone had something similar with red /pink dots under skin and not having an underlying health condition?
I've uploaded pictures of the spot which is on her collarbone

My next step is a dermatologist as she has dry skin and her dad has psoriasis. But the dots don't look like psoriasis

03-07-16, 19:01
I'm quite confident a doctor would tell you those aren't Petechiae. I had a similar thing happen a while ago, although it was myself rather than my child. I still get patches of red dots, specifically where my underwear rubs but I've learned to live with them. My GP actually showed me an image of Petechiae and what it would look like if it was worrying and there'd be no mistaking something is up. I have a 9 year old girl and her legs are absolutely covered in bruises, as are lots of her school friends.
Have you always been this worried? Could pregnancy and the hormones it brings have caused or increased this worry? If it's a long term thing have you thought about therapy?

It's hard as nails but I honestly wouldn't worry. S

03-07-16, 19:01
You are white. We get all types of crap on our skin, lol. Relax.

03-07-16, 19:03
I'd also like to add that the fact they come and go is even more promising. Mine do that too but take a couple of days to go.

03-07-16, 20:32
My mother had petechia when she had terminal cancer and I can say they looked nothing like the photos you have posted. They weren't spots as such as in perfectly round they were very very deep dark red small splodges for want of a better word and unmissible. Its so hard to explain but nothing like the red marks you get when you scratch or abraid the skin.

Your daughter does not have any blood cancer, please believe this.

You are doing a lot damage to her by your obsessive checking so please please stop. I have a son who is 35 yrs old and I know my health anxiety had a big effect on him and he refused to tell me if he was ill by the time he was a teenager which is def not what you want to happen to your daughter. She will either avoid you and refuse to tell you anything or she will develop severe health anxiety herself neither of which you want to happen.

04-07-16, 04:07
I'm quite confident a doctor would tell you those aren't Petechiae. I had a similar thing happen a while ago, although it was myself rather than my child. I still get patches of red dots, specifically where my underwear rubs but I've learned to live with them. My GP actually showed me an image of Petechiae and what it would look like if it was worrying and there'd be no mistaking something is up. I have a 9 year old girl and her legs are absolutely covered in bruises, as are lots of her school friends.
Have you always been this worried? Could pregnancy and the hormones it brings have caused or increased this worry? If it's a long term thing have you thought about therapy?

It's hard as nails but I honestly wouldn't worry. S

I have been a worrier but not like this. Right now, any little pain she mentions, any bruise or mark or bloody nose would make me panic. So when she gets these dots I can't even express my level of stress. It may be the pregnancy hormones so I wonder if things will change after baby. I do want to speak to my doctor about possibly suffering anxiety though. I don't know what else to call this fear

---------- Post added at 03:07 ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 ----------

My mother had petechia when she had terminal cancer and I can say they looked nothing like the photos you have posted. They weren't spots as such as in perfectly round they were very very deep dark red small splodges for want of a better word and unmissible. Its so hard to explain but nothing like the red marks you get when you scratch or abraid the skin.

Your daughter does not have any blood cancer, please believe this.

You are doing a lot damage to her by your obsessive checking so please please stop. I have a son who is 35 yrs old and I know my health anxiety had a big effect on him and he refused to tell me if he was ill by the time he was a teenager which is def not what you want to happen to your daughter. She will either avoid you and refuse to tell you anything or she will develop severe health anxiety herself neither of which you want to happen.

I'm sorry about your mother :( I lost my grandparents and my father as a child (not to cancer) and my daughter is my world so I'm constantly fearing something could be wrong. And you are so right.. She is now so afraid of doctors and says "I annoy her" with my worrying and she wishes I was like her dad or stepdad who don't worry. I don't know when I started relating every symptom to cancer. I over analyze it all when it comes to her. Yet if I get a huge bruise, any marks on myself or see that my red blood count is slightly low (normal I guess if pregnant) I don't worry at all. If Doctor says it's ok then it's ok and I don't even think about it. With her though.. it's the complete opposite and my mind goes to negative and worse case scenario