View Full Version : Stomach pulsations.. Weird?

03-07-16, 19:32
So when I was in the middle of benzo withdrawl my stomach was always bumping, and it was really clear to see.. Now, a good few months later, my stomach is still kinda pulsating.. If it was an aneurysm I think I would be dead after months of pulsating.. What do you giys think is going on? Could it be the last bit of anxiety still causing it?

03-07-16, 20:35
Do you feel it? I noticed in the shower my stomach was moving without me moving it like that. I don't feel it though. Never noticed it before so I'm guessing it's due to anxiety.

03-07-16, 21:14
Yeah I have noticed different parts of my body do that sometimes! Its weird but I hace been getting it for a long time.. I guess I now just relate everything to benzo withdrawl

03-07-16, 21:25
Is it not just your pulse? A lot of people have a very strong pulse in their stomach (I think it's due to the aorta), there have been many posts on this board due to people worrying over it (myself included). Could be anxiety, could also just be your normal bodily function and as we have anxiety we notice it more. My laptop even bobs up and down with mine and I've actually mentioned it to my GP and been told it's nothing to worry about.

03-07-16, 21:26
It's just your pulse.

03-07-16, 21:42
But I can actually see my stomach moving when it happens, is that normal?

03-07-16, 21:49
Yes that's normal. Mine is so strong you can see it through my t shirt. It used to drive me crazy I can also feel it when I lie on my stomach. Type in 'stomach pulse' in the search bar of this website and no doubt loads of posts will come up from others who have once had the same worry.