View Full Version : Whining

03-07-16, 22:15
I have always pride myself on being a strong person , I've had depression and anxiety my life but I'm always been able to hide it . But lately I just can't and I feel like I ever do is whine and moan . Which is just not me , just want to feel like myself again . Want to enjoy my daughter , I feel like I'm missing out so much on her life . Which then makes me feel like a horrible mother , which brings on the guilt . Sorry to whine again , just want to feel better . But I do hope everyone else is having a good day .Beth

03-07-16, 22:20
Hi Beth - As you said - it is not you. You are obviously going through something. It's nothing you can help or want to be going through. Many parents experience periods like this. My own mom had SEVERE PPD after my younger brother was born. it lasted quite awhile. I remember it well. But let me tell you my mom was absolutely the best mom anyone could ever hope for. I love her dearly. I suspect you are the same way...and your daughter knows that too. You'll get passed this friend. Hang in there.


03-07-16, 23:02
Thanks, you are so awesome.

04-07-16, 03:44

04-07-16, 15:02
Know the feeling, I pride myself on being strong too, it can be super frustrating. HUGE hugs xxxx

04-07-16, 19:49
Thank you I will check it out.