View Full Version : anxiety attacks with bipolar

03-07-16, 22:27
Hi, so I have bipolar disorder and an anxiety disorder.
In the last few months my anxiety levels have risen for no reason.
I keep getting anxiety attacks over simple things like being a passanger in a car thinking its going to crash, being in enclosed space and fast speed. I also get the same for flying which I'm doing in a couple of months time for the first time in three years which I anxious about, get anxious about similar things, also going down stairs sometimes thinking somethings going to push me down. I saw the doctor last week who put me on anti depressants as well as my mood stabilizers for bipolar. Dont seem to be working so far.

05-07-16, 05:09
I get the same way sometimes. Intrusive thoughts that have no rhyme or reason. How long have you been on your anti depressants? I've been on Prozac for 7 weeks now and things are starting to come around sllllllowly but I'm not myself. I do remember from past experiences tho that it always gets better and not to dwell on things.