View Full Version : Increased dose and side effects diary

04-07-16, 11:14
Hi guys,

It is day 3 of my increase (10mg to 20mg) and I thought I'd keep a diary on here so that I can monitor my side effects and reassure myself that everything is normal and to be expected. So if anyone wants to add comments or give some support I would be very grateful.

Day 1- I didn't notice anything different. Day 2 - Slight increase in anxiety I think but that's probably due to me being worried about side effects. Day 3 (today) Woke up at about 5.30am. Lay in bed feeling rotten until I made myself get up because my son needed help with his punctured tyre. I feel so muzzy headed and a bit sick, feeling depressed but determined that I'm not going to sit around all day feeling sorry for myself. I've got a headache too so going to have a couple of paracetamol in a minute.

One of the worst things for me about this condition has been the dreadful morning anxiety I've had EVERY DAY for over 8 months, it's really soul destroying and I sincerely hope it disappears once I'm on the correct dose of citalopram because I don't think I can live the rest of my life like this every day..

04-07-16, 11:28
You're going to get through this!

I'm on the same schedule as you (Day 3) just different meds (starting venlafaxine) so we can support each other.

Today I've had more anxiety than Sunday but managed to get out and about several times. Still not enjoying driving at all!

Hope your monday is good and the side effects not to too noticeable. It's kind of hard to tell what is side effects and what is anxiety isn't it?

Three days down!

04-07-16, 12:21
Yaaay Shaz, we can compare notes lol :yahoo:

It's only midday here in the UK. What time is it where you are?

04-07-16, 17:00
Oh yuk I feel rotten this afternoon. Sick, fuzzy headed, headache, tense jaw, tired. Lay down on the sofa to listen to a meditation tape and must have fallen asleep. Woke up feeling even worse - gah!

04-07-16, 18:46
Feel better Mojo!!! you can do it!!!! :hugs:

04-07-16, 18:53
Thank you Victory, I hope so.

05-07-16, 10:15
Day 4. Had a doctors appt this morning for the irregular bleeding I'm having on the HRT patches. The doctor is sending me for a scan and of course that has sent my anxiety through the roof! Stupidly googled womb cancer and came up with a list that describes me to a T - irregular bleeding after menopause, tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, lower back pain. I have all those!

05-07-16, 10:36
Can you just stop using the patches? Maybe you don't need them. I would take the patch off and see how you feel. See if the bleeding stops too. I have a feeling they are making you worse. Have you done any research on the patches and what other people are feeling? I don't think anyone in my family used HRT after menopause and they were fine.

Don't worry about the test you are going to be fine!

Feel better Mojo :hugs:

05-07-16, 12:35
Thanks Victory, I hope so. I'm even thinking of getting it done privately as I could be waiting ages on the NHS

08-07-16, 06:45
Day 6 on the increase. Still feeling sick a lot of the time and sleep not too good last night. Didn't feel good yesterday either - a bit anxious and jittery.

Hope everyone else is well.

08-07-16, 07:14
Hey Mojo, I was wondering how you were doing. I'm on day 7 of my new meds and it's been the worst day yet. I expect hormones are having something to do with it.

I really hope things improve for you soon!

08-07-16, 07:22
Thanks Shaz. Sorry to hear you are experiencing a bad time with your meds. Have you noticed any improvement at all yet?

08-07-16, 07:27
Thanks Shaz. Sorry to hear you are experiencing a bad time with your meds. Have you noticed any improvement at all yet?

To be honest, no. I believe my sleep has been marginally better and my mood maybe a little better overall but the anxiety is still crippling. I don't think it's any worse though but coming up to time of the month exacerbates things and has done for a few years now so hopefully things will be a bit smoother in a few days.

I've had a few better spells like managing the groceries on my own without much anxiety but then some bad panics in the car.

I guess I just keep taking them and see what happens. Supposed to increase tomorrow. Basically it was explained that I'm starting on the equivalent of 5 mg citalopram and increasing over 4 weeks to the equivalent of the standard 20 mg.

08-07-16, 07:35
It's mirtazipine you are taking isn't it? I did try that once months ago but I only lasted one day on it lol. I took one tablet and slept solidly for 16 hours and when I woke up I felt so out of it that all I could do was lay on the sofa all day until it wore off at about 6pm. I didn't take any more after that so never even gave it a chance. I've heard some great things about it though, and a lady in my village has been taking it for years and says it has completely transformed her life. Keep going Shaz, you are doing so well xxx

08-07-16, 07:40
It's mirtazipine you are taking isn't it? I did try that once months ago but I only lasted one day on it lol. I took one tablet and slept solidly for 16 hours and when I woke up I felt so out of it that all I could do was lay on the sofa all day until it wore off at about 6pm. I didn't take any more after that so never even gave it a chance. I've heard some great things about it though, and a lady in my village has been taking it for years and says it has completely transformed her life. Keep going Shaz, you are doing so well xxx

I'm already on Mirtazapine and have been for about 4 months. It seemed to help a little but things went downhill again recently so now I've started venlafaxine which they often use together.

Unfortunately the Mirt never helped much with sleep for me. 16 hours is a long sleep!!!

08-07-16, 08:23
Oh that's right. Excuse my feeble brain Shaz, it's not firing on all cylinders at the moment!

Yes, I tried that one too - for all of 2 days - I was pathetic back then and in such a high state of anxiety that any med would send me into a frenzy of imagined side effects, I never got passed 3 days with any of them.

You are doing fantastically well, keep going forwards and you will get there, I just know you will x

08-07-16, 20:05
Hiya you guys are doing so well:) Im getting on with things at 20mg for almost 14 week. I was having moments where i was feeling almost normal at times but this last week just felt back to square one.. started my period on wed so dont know if that has anything to do with it but just dont feel well. Neck ache, arm ache, head ache, tight chest, cant get a satisfying breath, no motivation or energy feel so sad and fed up! I am seriously thinking of getting off the cit and trying hrt or mini pill or something.. going to docs on 18th so will ask all the questions. oh and i can not stop eating and put on one stone and 2 pounds as of today:( xx Keep strong guys. x