View Full Version : Dizziness, shortness of breath and dread triggered by alcohol initially but omngoing

04-07-16, 12:45
I wasn't sure where to put this post, I have posted in symptoms but it probs should go here or is maybe relevant on both forums: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=185872

Seriously freaking out about persistent off balance floaty feeling, sometimes with shortness of breath and feeling of dread. It initially started as part of a hangover but is still ongoing.... Doc has just diagnosed fluid in inner ear but I'm not sure, this would then leave the shortness of breath as just panic but I haven't suffered actual panic attacks before all this.....

I just don't know what to do, am curious how much it does seem just like panic to people who have been there? Wondering if should return to doc.....

04-07-16, 12:59

I just posted a thread this morning with similar symptoms, I had ear infection and loss of balance before xmas, returned again recently around same time as possible IBS or similar.

Dr said at first he thinks it was to do with my ear still but told him its more intense and floaty rather than pressure in head and off balance.

I still dont know 100% what is wrong with me yet and wanting to go back really tired etc same as yourself cant even do housework without feeling out of breath just now and came from nowhere.

Alcohol is definitely not a good idea, I had a drink a few weeks ago and without warning hit me like a brickwall, the next day got up fine and then major intense dizziness came on, I panicked and tried to calm down but couldn't and ended up phoning my mate to come to take me to A&E they took bloods and said that my white blood cells were slightly high which indicated there is a possible viral infection.

That was 6-7 weeks ago, you'll be ok best thing to do is tell Dr and definitely stay off alcohol Ive tried my best to cut down and come completely off it just now as it definitely aggravates it.

I hope this helps, keep me updated as it sounds similar to mines.

04-07-16, 14:01
I gave up alcohol almost completely when I started having panic attacks. I think feeling slightly tipsy just started to scare me. Pity really because it use to relax me. The best I can do now is half a glass of wine.
When I first started having panic attacks and anxiety I had really bad dizziness and a floaty feeling. Even when I was sitting down things would appear to be moving around.
It scared me and I had all sorts of tests hoping to find the cause.
We all want to find a reason until we accept that it's caused by anxiety. And when we do accept, the symptoms leave!

04-07-16, 14:06
I'm the same Becky, I used to almost self medicate with a bottle of wine then it was two every Friday and Satruday night as I felt really relaxed and more positive with a drink in me although as time has went on I couldn't deal with the aftermath of the drink.

Even when I didn't actually feel hungover the next day I would feel more on edge and low in mood.

06-07-16, 14:20
Thank you for taking the time posting. x

The off balance motion is just so scary at times when its at its worst. I'm still getting what feels like laboured breathing off too and on and the upper abdomen tightening - its hard to know if the breathing is causing the tightening or the tightening is causing the breathing!! And what relationship the breathing and dizziness are to each other, I think my doc thinks the breathing is panic at the dizziness but then you read about panic causing dizziness - or maybe something else entirely causing both....

I do feel the breathing is just panic really but have never had panic this bad before where even sitting in my boyfriend's car as a passenger driving a route I know well I had such panicked breathing my hands and face were going numb.....

All my symptoms seem at their worst when I'm out, when ever since the first time I went dizzy and shaky and had trouble breathing when I was out, I have fretted it will happen again when I am out and have a long way to travel to get home. Once I'm home the breathing seems to get better quite a bit though still have the dizziness.

I never realised before how scary a real panic attack was, I've had anxiety but never anything like these past 5 weeks - as I've never had them before I can only think that it must indeed be the dizziness causing panic, and the worrying that something is going to happen making everything worse when out, especially when alone.

Have a day out planned for Saturday, a play we have had tickets for, for a while, it will involve going for an hour on a train and I am really freaking out a bout it but prior to these last five weeks I've always been someone you can't keep in the house, I'm usually literally out and about all the time!! Really hoping agoraphobia isn't creeping up on me somehow..... I hate staying in and just want to feel normal again!

I think the breathing actually scares me a lot more than the dizziness and why the bad relationship with alcohol all of a sudden I've no idea, it makes me worry that as the alcohol thing has happened out of the blue that I have damaged my body in some way with drinking in the past..... Its hard to trust that the off balance floaty and spaced out feeling is just an inner ear thing but it does sound plausible since I have had dizziness following flights/cruises in the past but I'm sure my May flight was too long ago.

I really want this dizziness to stop!! I'm even fretting I won't make my holiday to Thailand/Hong Kong in Oct as not sure how I could do the long plane journeys feeling like this!!

11-07-16, 11:15
Another not good weekend. More shortness of breath but starting to think maybe this is anxiety as if I sit quietly and force myself to breathe slowly it does get easier and it seems its after I've been doing all this breathing my chest gets tight, I guess from the extra extertion, but then a vicious cycle starts as I notice the tightness!

The dizziness is really an off balance feeling I guess of the room leaning. If I try and stand still to long I will physically sway - does this sound like inner ear dizziness? I was reading on here last night about someone fearing vCJD and I have read that starts with off balance and poor coordination and I guess this feeling is off balance more than anything else. I've also read that anxiety is a symptom of CJD and these panic attacks have literally come out of the blue, haven't had them before, even in the past when have been dizzy/off balance.

I don't have dizziness or an off balance feeling at all when lying down, and its only there very slightly when sitting, its mainly when standing and particularly walking..... Is this consistent with the inner ear?

I should never have started reading about vCJD as now its seeming so plausible....

11-07-16, 11:28

You are under a lot of pressure at the moment with your grandmother's operation so I expect at least some of this will down to heightened anxiety. :hugs:

Don't let your anxiety focus on rare diseases and getting your symptoms to fit. Look towards the more plausible and symptoms that don't fit in ruling things out.