View Full Version : Tomorrow - cervical cancer

04-07-16, 18:06
Hi all, I have posted a few times previously regarding some issues with brown discharge.

I had some for a while back in March/April. Swabs all clear for infection and dr told me to take pill without a break. I am now on my third pill packet without a break and the discharge is back! I think I was a couple of hours late taking one and I had the discharge the next day (also had a tough workout the night before). I then doubled up on the dose and after 2 days it was normal colour again. A few days later it was discoloured again, doubled up again and went back to normal.

The last 3 days it has just been like water but clear with some bits drying to whitish. Last night I was about half hour late taking my pill and yet again today I have brown discharge again.

I have a smear test tomorrow morning and I have got a private appt with a gynaecologist tomorrow afternoon.

I am convinced this is cervical cancer.

My smears are up to date. - last one was normal cells but high HPV. Had colposcopy but no biopsy as I presume there wasn't anything to biopsy.

I have been taking the same pill for several years - I am 32.

I have googled to which I know I shouldn't but I can't stop - I need something to tell me it's a common thing and not necessarily cancer! I ran the pretty muddy race for life on Saturday also and seeing thousands of people either survivors or with names of lost loved ones on their shirts has made me worse! xxxx

04-07-16, 18:10
When I was on the mini pill I had this a lot. Miss or be late with a pill & brown discharge, it was horrible. Sure it's just the pill

04-07-16, 18:59
I have read that the mini pill can cause spotting even if missed by as little as 15 mins. However, mine is the combined pill and it says about 3 hours for that. And the fact it's only a recent thing yet I've been on birth control since age 15 (changing to brevinor approx 7-8 years ago). So so scared xx

22-07-16, 17:39
Just an update incase anyone who is going through similar is looking for someone who has experienced (I know how frustrating it is when you find someone with the same thing but never find out the outcome)!

Anyway, after a couple of weeks of being nearly 100% sure I had cancer of either the womb, ovaries or cervix I had a scan today.

The sonographer said she couldn't see anything to worry about, infact she called my ovaries 'textbook'. The results will be sent to consultant who I am seeing Tuesday but she has told me not to worry everything looks great.

Anyway, that was that. I asked her if it would detect cervical cancer but she said not really as its the cervix cells which is what smears are for. My heart sank again and I went home convinced as everything else was clear it must be cervical cancer. I consulted Dr Google and it said only advanced cc's would possibly be detected so I was slightly relieved in thinking ok, if it is cc then it's not advanced!

Get home and the results of smear test! All clear and no more for the next 3 years!!!

I know I will feel shocking tomorrow as all of the anxiety will have built up but I am so bloody relieved! I'm sure I won't be 100% until I see consultant but feel a lot more confident and more convinced that it is hormone related due to my pill!
