View Full Version : Why do you have Health Anxiety

04-07-16, 19:41
Do you ever wonder why you have this condition?
Is it a fear of hospitals or doctors or pain or death?

For me I think it's because I spent a lot of time in hospital as a child, I suffered through being separated from my parents. And then the anxiety stepped in.
So now I fear illness, doctors, hospitals and medication.

Have any of you thought about why you developed HA?

04-07-16, 20:05
I think mine started with the menopause. It seems to be a very common complaint going by the number of ladies suffering on the various meno forums.

04-07-16, 20:10
Mine started this past month with a swollen lymph node. It sucks really. :unsure: It's draining your energy till you feel empty and depressed. I think for me at least it's the fear of having something but left it untreated.

04-07-16, 21:36
I know exactly why I developed health anxiety as a young child. The person who was in effect my mother was ill and died when I was 5 years old and I was told that I used to ask if I would get ill and die like they did even at that age. Mine was purely down to trauma at a very young age.

05-07-16, 06:29
Mine started in the middle east when they though they found a shadow on my lung - turned out to be nothing in the end. Two extremely uncomfortable weeks and then all good however it kind of flared up every say six month always concerning the lungs, Then last year after the birth of our second child my mother in law was diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away shortly afterwards along with about another 5 friends ( various health reason ) so the past 8 months have seen me convincing myself i have everything from pancreatic cancer to mnd. The really odd thing is i am not scared of dying and not overly concerned as to the way i will eventually shuffle off this mortal coil, i think with me it is a just a need to know what it is that is going to get me.

05-07-16, 12:27
i was always a little bit of worrier but nothing serious until iwas 15/16 and i got really bad chest pains and ever since then even though ive had a couple of ECG's im paranoid that i have something wrong with my heart and as time has went on i worry about more health problems