View Full Version : Obsessive health anxiety

04-07-16, 20:23
I have been on this forum almost all day! I tell myself it's not good for me but I find it quite therapeutic.

I'm having a really extreme flare-up of my IBS. I've suffered from this since I was a child. Why then every time it happens does it feel like it's the absolute worst this time around?

My health anxiety has kicked in and my mind is imagining the worst, of course.
I catch myself visualising being collected in an ambulance and being hospitalized (my biggest nightmare).

I can't stop focusing on the pain and fearing that it'll get worse.
And that of course does make it worse.
I seem to have forgotten everything I was taught in CBT.

How can I have gone from someone who felt so in control of my condition, dishing out advice to others , to a quivering, tearful wreck? In one day!

04-07-16, 20:39
There are a lot of triggers on here and things have escalated pretty rapidly for you. You are OK, you've got a lot to think about at the moment and you're having an IBS flare-up....nothing more...

You know all this deep down but have just got yourself really frightened..I'm sure you're exhausted mentally and everything rapidly becomes irrational when you're in an anxiety spiral...as you know all too well.

I really hope you get some rest and feel a lot better tomorrow xx

04-07-16, 20:43
Thank you so much for your kind reply. It really does help.
I am exhausted. From the pain, the panic and the fear. Not to mention no food all day.
Ah I know I'm being silly. I tell this to other people all the time. And now here I am......

04-07-16, 20:46
We are our own worst enemies with this. You just need some food and some mental rest from all this. You've got a lot going on with major decisions about relocating etc..It's no wonder you're reacting like this so be kind to yourself?! xx

05-07-16, 12:32
i find this place very helpful too , i wish i didnt need to come on here but it does help quite often talks sense into me at least for a little while

05-07-16, 13:11
Hi Becky,

You'll be ok as you said to me yesterday just an IBS flare up, its completely drained me as well and yesterday was close to going home from work.

Its annoying how it comes around I was same as you doing really well and seemed to come out the blue for me, only thing I can think of is that I was doing too much positive things if that makes sense and had a burn out! Who knows but I need to get back on track, small steps.

Go back and read over your notes for CBT if you have any or online or books etc you have, its easy to tell yourself you know what youre doing and on top and I'll say I dont care about the flare ups anymore even if I do die big woop its going to happen sometime (I know that sounds drastic but I do) then when the anxiety attack hits its not so easy not to feel uncomfortable and feel dread!