View Full Version : Hi All!

04-07-16, 23:21

New to the forum, not new to anxiety, have had it since the age of 8 and am now 31, have gone through many waves of anxiety and have learnt in many situations how to deal with it, i still have hang ups and effects from anxiety, but have never taken medication for it, even at is severest. not that that was a brag, at least not meant to be.
Hopefully joining here will help me to express how my anxiety has evolved and transformed symptoms over the years. let you guys be my soundboard. sorry in advance!
but hopefully also help as i have been through various stages of anxiety and treatment so have a bit of experience behind me. Anywho before i prattle on too much, i look forward to chatting to you all some more.


04-07-16, 23:26
Hiya DBS_84 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

04-07-16, 23:28

New to the forum, not new to anxiety, have had it since the age of 8 and am now 31, have gone through many waves of anxiety and have learnt in many situations how to deal with it, i still have hang ups and effects from anxiety, but have never taken medication for it, even at is severest. not that that was a brag, at least not meant to be.
Hopefully joining here will help me to express how my anxiety has evolved and transformed symptoms over the years. let you guys be my soundboard. sorry in advance!
but hopefully also help as i have been through various stages of anxiety and treatment so have a bit of experience behind me. Anywho before i prattle on too much, i look forward to chatting to you all some more.


Don't be sorry friend. That's why we come here. To learn vent scream laugh cry and eventually get well. Welcome.


04-07-16, 23:39
Thanks very much, already ive found one of the most insightful posts on the subject ive read in a long while. i look forward to contributing!

04-07-16, 23:46
Yes it's a very good place. Look forward to reading your posts. :)