View Full Version : Here we go again..

18-03-07, 09:23
I've suffered from health anxiety for awhile now, but it recently got better.
Then, the other day, I woke up with what I thought was a cold or a sinus infection or something. I didn't go to the doctor because any doctor except my own terrifies me and he's on vacation.

This is going to get a bit detailed in regards to phleghm & blood, but it's nothing major. Just warning.

So, I was coughing and trying to spit out the disgusting amounts of phleghm and I noticed a small (very small) amount of blood in it. I freaked out, I'm not sure why.. and of course, I googled, even though I know better. I immediarely zoomed in on "nasal cancer."

See, the thing is.. the right side of my nose, whenever I really blow it hard.. there's always teeny tiny amounts of blood that comes out. I never thought anything about it because it's been happening.. probably for over a year. I mentioned it to my doctor once and he said it's just due to dry weather and so I ignored it.. but now, with the combination of the blood in the phleghm.. I'm just scared. My throats been hurting as well and my head which constitutes my thought about sinus infection, but I can't see my doctor for awhile and I'm wayy to petrified to go somewhere else at least for now.. I'll probably go see one eventually, but in the meantime.. I mean, does this happen to anyone else?

Logically, I assume it can't be a cancer or anything because if it was, and it's been going on for over a year, I assume I'd have worse symptoms by now.. doctors have looked in my nose when I've had colds, no one has ever said anything about blood or anything. I also have allergies almost consatntly, I wonder if that can contriibue.

Anyway, I'm just scaring myself about nose or sinus cancer and I know how rare it is and I know I should see a doctor, but in the meantime, if anyone has ever had this or knows anything about it and could help me feel better in any way, I would really appreciate it.. I'm working myself into full blown panic. Thanks.

18-03-07, 12:06
a small amount of blood is very normal, every time i get a cold or cough i can bring up a small amount of blood.
Its usually from your nose as blowing hard can cause this.
Maybe you are more anxious because your usual doctor is away, and you are worrying uncontrollably.
Sinus probs seem to be very much part of anxiety.
take care and stop worrying xxxx

18-03-07, 18:43
Hi there,

I had really bad flu there and a nasty cough, and guess what i coughed up a little bit of blood as well, as I also suffer from HA it really scared me , I was thinking lung cancer etc, never went to see doctor but when my cough started to get better the blood was gone!!
The thing with this HA you can be doing so well, then it just hits you and you feel like you are back to square one. Hang in there, and just posting and getting other peoples views really helps , once your sinuses start to clear im sure all will be fine.

take care

shirley xx

19-03-07, 11:26

I suffer with sinus, congestion etc and i always seem to have a bit of blood in nose when i blow it

love mandie x

19-03-07, 19:47
I've just posted how rough I've been feeling since getting ill so it was weirdly reassuring to read your post. I've got a cold and nose has been bleeding a bit, probably due to constantly trying to 'blow this crap out of me'!
If I were you (I'd panic too!)but seriously as an outsider I know it's easy to say - wait until you're over your cold/cough and I'll bet you stop bringing up the blood. Like I said, easily said and hard to do when it's happening now, but it should only be a few days before you feel better physically, then and only then can you make more of an informed judgement as to whether you should be worried or not.

Take care.xxx.