View Full Version : Should I be concerned? Or Am I just over reacting? HELP!

05-07-16, 14:40
I am always paranoid to anything that makes me scared of. My health anxiety is my surname I guess. I don't know how to handle this. Some days I'm good but more often is I'm at my lowest.

So, now my fear is about Tetanus! Last Saturday (July 2), I texted a Dentist who was referred by a friend of mine to do a dental retainer on my teeth. He said that He can do home service. So we had the procedure done at home. He was measuring the size of my mouth using a blue gum something that was put into my mouth for 10mins I think. Then he's busy doing the retainer. Later did I know upon looking on the apparatus that he used to make the plate shine was not hygienic. I mean it has dust or something rust?!? It looks like a drill that makes the plate shiny or to make it form better (sorry I don't know that apparatus). He never extracted any of my tooth, nor bleed. He washed the plate with water after he tried it on my mouth. My concern is I have a broken tooth which has a laceration. Sometimes when I brush my teeth it bleed. But during that time of his procedure, he didn't touched that area. I'm thinking what if the bacteria travels and went through that laceration? :/ I am really messed up. I have a flu right now., and sometimes my muscle twitch.. But I get twitch even before that incident. I read google that once symptoms will appear it can't be cured? Just like rabies! T_T God forbid! Sometimes when I think of Lockjaw,, feels like my jaw is really closing! Thank you so much for your time in reading my post.

05-07-16, 14:46
Should I be concerned? Or Am I just over reacting?

To answer to your questions:

1. No. There's no reason to be concerned.

2. Most definitely! You're over-reacting and allowing fantasies to become your realities.

There's just no way to get tetanus from a dental mouth mold and the chances of some rouge infection are beyond astronomical.

Positive thoughts

05-07-16, 14:56
Thank you for your reply @Fishmanpa.

What bothers me is that I have a wound in my mouth. Which is located on my broken tooth. The gums below my broken/damaged tooth. What if the bacteria stays on the plate which he was making and when he tried it on my mouth, the bacteria travels to my damaged tooth. :/ Is it possible?

I had once bitten by a mice, and I was given a shot of anti-tetanus but never had a booster. That was year 2006-2007 I guess. The clinic staff told me to go back for another shot (I'm guessing, that its the booster shot) But I didn't come back that time.

05-07-16, 15:23
Tetanus lives in soil and comes from animals especially horses. This is why anyone who has injury from an animal or injury outside where there is earth/soil gets anti tetanus injection.

If you have had a full course of tetanus vaccinations then they are good for life anyway.

Unless your dentist;s apparatus was covered in horse manure or garden soil then can't see how you could get tetanus.

05-07-16, 15:57
I've had this fear twice now. The first time I actually had lockjaw and got referred to a specialist dentist but I was told before my referral you'd know if you had tetanus as you'd be sick (there was also a logical reason for my lockjaw) The second time I cut my finger on a tin can lid whilst picking rubbish up that had fell, I went to the walk in centre and was given a tetanus jab but I was told it's extremely rare and if you're in the UK chances are you had a booster during your school years anyway (that's what the doctor actually told me at the walk in).
My family dog had tetanus many years ago, I hate the word :-(

06-07-16, 04:28
Thank you for taking time in replying @countrygirl and @KeeKee.

I don't know if the injection shot that I received from the time that I was bitten by a rat is counted as a Tetanus shot? That was year 2006-07 I guess. I was really worried that the apparatus that he used is not clean. It is dusty and rusty.

I am actually having a mild fever now, it started the day that I had a retainer. I don't know if its caused by a Flu because I had a runny nose and my nose usually clogged at night. My throat is itchy and in pain sometimes. I cough and sneeze sometimes then there's a phlegm and snot (sorry for mentioning this.)

06-07-16, 06:50
You are over reacting,

You do not have tetanus, you have the flu by the sounds of it. You have a medical condition called anxiety I would imagine that your time would be better served by seeking treatment for this condition rather than something you have no chance of contracting by getting a retainer.