View Full Version : Poor sleep

05-07-16, 23:16
Here I am again looking for ways to help me sleep. I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas. I'm taking trazodone 100 mgs, I fall asleep but wake up in about 2 hours and then I'm awake!
I really think if I could get a good sleep my anxiety would be less during the day.

05-07-16, 23:31
How long have you been taking the trazadone? It's safer than lot of alternatives out there too. Personally I've been taking Quetiapine at low dose for sleep (25-75) it's been very effective for me, more so than benzos or zopiclone.

06-07-16, 00:07
I've been on trazodone for about 6 weeks.

06-07-16, 00:19
Have you tried Mirtazapine? sorry can't remember.

06-07-16, 00:36
Oh sorry it's not helping much Mugs!

I seem to be sleeping a bit better at the moment but for no good reason. I partly just let it go, if I sleep I sleep. It's only been a few nights for me though so we shall see.

You can't take zopiclone can you?

06-07-16, 01:20
I absolutely agree with you, Mugs. Sleep is a huge key against anxiety. What about a shot of benadryl sleep aid with the trazadone?


06-07-16, 02:22
Hi thanks.
Yes I've taken Mirtazapine, it stopped working and raised my cholesterol.
Benadryl has the opposite effect on me unfortunately.

06-07-16, 02:46
Have you tried meditation? Sorry I don't know you so just covering bases :)
Ive had sleep problems all my life and things like daily exercise and pre sleep meditations often help me. And the meditations can work if you wake up too early as well.

06-07-16, 05:55
I have been using meditation when i wake up too early, like 2AM! It helps me relax but I do not fall asleep. Makes for a very long day.