View Full Version : Dealing with everyday things without stressing

06-07-16, 10:51
Today I had to pay some money out of my account into a relative's account via bank transfer online. I have done this lots of times in the past with no problems, I know how the system works and I've been doing online banking for long enough so it shouldn't phase me really.

However I was all of a shake and shiver whilst doing it and I'm still physically shaking, I can't keep my hands still, my heart is going ten to the dozen and I'm sweating profusely. How bloody ridiculous is that? It didn't help that the transaction didn't go through first time and I had to go back and do it again - grrrr! :mad:

Could it be the side effects of my increase that I started last Saturday? :scared15:

06-07-16, 12:29
When my anxiety is bad I find things like this very stressful too, my toilet flush broke a few months ago and I can't tell you how stressful I found the thought of having to ring my landlord! I put it off and even lay awake worrying about it.
I think what you're feeling is a symptom of heightened anxiety, which is to be expected considering your medication increase x

06-07-16, 15:16
Thanks Suzie, I was rather hoping it would be that. It's coming to something when you can't even make a phone call or change a light bulb without becoming a jibbering wreck!

06-07-16, 16:34
It's horrible, I don't miss feeling like that one bit. I had to mentally psych myself up for every little thing, and then I wondered why I was always so exhausted! What matters is that you're still doing it no matter how jittery it makes you x

06-07-16, 22:07
Yep, I find everything hard at the moment as my concentration is poor and little things like paying bills feel like huge hurdles. I haven't checked my emails in about 3 weeks as it's another thing which makes me feel stressed.

06-07-16, 22:20
Hi Mojo - Not only could it be from the increase in my opinion that's what it's from. So give yourself some time to adjust and then see how you feel.


07-07-16, 05:49
I was the same. Terrified of opening mail, answering the phone (or it ringing), seeing friends, reading emails, getting a text, etc. When my big brother came over I would be sitting next to him holding in the rising anxiety. Literally any change, the day had to be the same every day with nothing different.

When I joined the charity walk-in groups I found them saying the same. Forms were a nightmare, one of the co-ordinators hid her post under the settee cushions until it built up too much.

People just wouldn't believe how hard everyday things get unless they've been through this. It must sound ridiculous to them.

07-07-16, 06:22
Does it get any better Terry?

07-07-16, 07:25
Yes, it gets a lot better.

I still have a long way to go but I have time. I am a million miles away from that state I was in. Washing was scary back then.

It does help to socialise in some way. The first time I really didn't do much of this and going back to work was hard, as was going into supermarkets. I walked daily but was mostly alone with being outside. When I relapsed I changed this by making sure as soon as I could walk to a supermarket or store, I went in and stayed in there for an hour. I tried to talk to people, even just saying hello. This helped me in the long run as I was less afraid of approaching people at the same times in recovery as I was the first time.

Loads of it can get better and it can go completely too. If you are ever in doubt of this, hop over to the Success Stories board and see what other say. Some threads about achievements whilst still suffering and some about people who have got through it.

07-07-16, 12:36
Talk about stress it never ends with me. Our fridge freezer is making a dreadful noise. I have insurance with it. I rang the place up. All the number's had changed. After 5 phone calls I got through with shaky hands. they wanted to know the serial number. Took us ages to find it. Long phone call with appointment, ok.
No.by this time we had a phone call about a medical thing and it was for the same time as the freezer people were coming. So on the phone again. Press this, press that it went on and on again. I took a chill pill.
The freezer people are coming Friday. That's not the end. They will not find us.
They will go to another house. So it will be more phone calls. I am going out when they come and leaving hubby to sort it out. May the freezer will explode!!!!

08-07-16, 08:11
Well I've got to go and buy a new car for my son today and to say I'm a nervous wreck is an understatement. I'm part exchanging his old one so have to find all the documents for that, and it has just dawned on me that because I changed his existing insurance over to the new car from midnight last night then I'm not insured to drive the old one to the garage this morning! I'm shaking from head to toe and I've been sick twice already and it is only 8am!!!

08-07-16, 08:17
Hi mojo how u getting on with the increase xx

08-07-16, 08:18
Not too bad so far thanks Becky. I keep waiting for the horrible side effects to kick in and it is worrying me.

How are you sweetie? x

08-07-16, 18:14
How long have you been on them now?
I'm not bad thanks feel loads better the intrusive thoughts are slowly wearing off but getting alot of stress from work and it makes me feel anxious hope u feel better soon xx

08-07-16, 18:29
I was on 10mg for 12 weeks, and I've been on 20mg for just 6 days now, so very early on.

---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

Luckily I don't need to go to work, but I have got myself a voluntary job just one day a week at Age Concern. I am an escort on the buses that pick up clients from their homes and take them to the day centre and then home again afterwards. Yesterday I had to do an online manual handling assessment online - I got 100%! :yahoo:

09-07-16, 06:46
Well done you hopefully the side effects won't get any worse for you now and you start to feel better soon I think we panic more because we know what to expect with the effects which doesn't help. I've been on 10mg for 8 weeks now and feeling loads better not 100% but getting there slowly xx

09-07-16, 07:13
Luckily I don't need to go to work, but I have got myself a voluntary job just one day a week at Age Concern. I am an escort on the buses that pick up clients from their homes and take them to the day centre and then home again afterwards. Yesterday I had to do an online manual handling assessment online - I got 100%! :yahoo:

Is that like how to sling the old folks over your shoulder? :winks:

Well done on the 100%.

09-07-16, 07:52
Hahaha, some of them have got more energy and strength than me Terry! :roflmao:

09-07-16, 08:05
They don't do a bit of swimming with some odd round things out of the ocean do they, like in Cocoon? :winks:

09-07-16, 09:26
It wouldn't surprise me! Great film though :yesyes: